But now I knew. She had just been in the bathroom with Liam.

“So you do remember that night.” Jenna watched with satisfaction as the realization drifted onto my face. “Well, as A.J would say, boom. There’s your proof, doll. And that was just the most recent cockblock. I could’ve fucked Liam Cage a thousand times by now if it weren’t for Princess Aria threatening to kick me out of the fancy pad her daddy bought her.” Jenna looked around their apartment, heaving a big, tragic sigh. “I went with it ‘cause you know how shitty rent is in Manhattan. Couldn’t really afford to give up paying just eight hundo for a full bedroom in Gramercy,” she said incredulously, refilling all our wine. “Good thing Sugar Daddy’s helping me pay for a one-bedroom in Hell’s Kitchen. Right by Liam’s gym. So now that I don’t need this apartment,” Jenna gave a cutesy shrug, “I think I’m gonna finally fuck Liam. He just looked way too fucking good this morning and I don’t think I can control myself anymore. So it’s happening soon. Sorry, baby girl.” She clinked her glass of wine to mine. “But you can take comfort in the fact that you never really had a chance. So cheers to that.”

Chapter Six

I left Aria’s apartment with my anger bottled up so she wouldn’t feel bad. She walked me out the building and apologized a million times – for everything Jenna had said and for what she didn’t tell me the night the cops came to my bar.

“You know it meant nothing. He was drunk and he was all worked up because of you. But he couldn’t have you so he went with the next pretty thing he saw, and it just happened to be Jenna,” Aria explained.

“I know, girl,” I said. “Don’t worry about me. I’m fine,” I assured her, kissing her cheek before getting hastily into a cab.

Obviously, I wasn’t fine. But I couldn’t even pinpoint why. I tried listing all the reasons in my head. Well, to start, I was still pissed at Liam for the stunt he pulled at the bar. I was pissed that he had ever whipped his dick out around Jenna and I was afraid of what would happen if certain people were to find out that we’d fooled around even once. I hated admitting it, but I was intimidated by the fact that every beautiful woman in the city was so aggressively after Liam. I wasn’t used to being with that kind of smirking, smoldering, panty-dropping bad boy. Stepbrother or not, a man like Liam naturally came with all kinds of trouble – trouble I had no experience in dealing with.

I was a grab bag of mixed emotions by the time I got back to Liam’s apartment. I wasn’t sure what to expect when I walked through the front door.

But what I certainly didn’t expect was the redhead from the bar, standing naked in the kitchen, gripping a roll of paper towels and wiping streaks of cum off her belly.

My jaw dropped as I stared, my shock spiking into rage as Liam ambled out of the bathroom, casually shirtless. Red was so drunk she gave me barely a second’s worth of attention before turning her big, fluttering eyes to Liam. I stood in speechless, white-hot fury, my pulse pounding like a drum in my ears, drowning out everything she said. I couldn’t hear. All I could do was stand and stare, Liam’s smirking eyes on me as Red sidled up to him, whispering in his ear and rubbing her naked tits all over his arm. I finally found the strength to shake my head at Liam, in awe of his nerve as he grabbed his beer off the counter and took a lazy swig, leaning back on his heels and just watching me as the naked girl started cupping his package.

“Are you fucking kidding me, Liam?” I finally hissed in disbelief. I’d left him at the bar and apparently, he was pissed enough to bring a girl home, blow a load onto her body and simply smirk at me as I watched them clean up from their dirty little romp. “Jesus, I knew you were a fucking asshole,” I muttered through my clenched teeth as I paced to my room. I just didn’t know you could be that way with me. I had wanted to finish my sentence but I couldn’t bring myself to. It sounded too vulnerable and I didn’t exactly feel like exposing myself like that as Red took Liam’s hands and slapped them onto her tits. I heard her moaning for him to squeeze just as I s

hoved through the door of my bedroom.

“A.J!” I yelped, shielding my eyes when I caught a glimpse of his naked ass as he pulled on his jeans.

“Oh! Hey, Sash.” He was drunkenly casual. I opened my eyes to find him turning to me, shoving his half-hard cock into his boxers before zipping back up. The smell of sex wafted into my nose and suddenly, I was saying “oh God” and backing out of my room as A.J apologized on repeat. “I’m sorry! Don’t worry, I fucked her over your desk!” he called out after me. “I’d never do it in your bed, Sasha! Promise!”

“That’s – that’s great, A.J,” I called back weakly, turning to face the open kitchen, where Liam stood smirking at me, ignoring the girl as he finished his beer.

“I’ll let you put it anywhere,” Red lilted at him, wetting her lips and bouncing her tits to entice him. Liam ignored her to grin smugly at me.

“Jumped fast to that conclusion, didn’t you, babe?”

“Didn’t exactly try to correct me though, did you?” I countered as A.J came out of my room and tossed Red her bra and panties. Once she was fully dressed, he apologized again and shuffled her out, but not before she flashed the call me sign at Liam. Only I caught it because he’d yet to take his eyes off of me since I’d come back out of my room. I crossed my arms. “You were an asshole tonight,” I finally said. I was trying to look dauntless but I held my breath as Liam came to me. He slid his hands in his pockets, stopping an inch from my body, standing as close as humanly possible without touching me. I swallowed, feeling the warmth of his hard chest. His lip curling, he fisted my waist.

“Yeah?” He grabbed me again when I pushed him away. “Tell me how I was an asshole.”

I twisted away from him. “Are you serious, Liam? At the bar. You fucked with me at Riley’s expense. You knew how uncomfortable you were making me, you knew you were hurting her feelings and you just kept going.”

“How was I hurting her feelings?”

I chewed my lip. I was pretty sure it’d been obvious since day one but I didn’t want to be the person to tell Liam that Riley, like every other woman on Earth, harbored a deep, uncontrollable lust for him. “I… nothing,” I muttered. “Never mind.”

“I told you this, Sasha. I have no intentions of hiding anything that’s going on between us.”

“But Liam, we need to,” I pleaded. “Look, it’s my fault. I wanted you so badly that I was crazy enough to tease you the way I did. I wanted so bad for you to touch me that I didn’t even think about what would happen after you did.” I breathed out hard, backing up a step for every one Liam took forward. “I just wanted to feed this craving I’ve had for…” I shook my head. “I don’t know. So damned long.”

Liam’s green eyes stared so intensely into mine that my gaze dipped to the floor. His murmur was husky, the low sound prickling over my skin. “There’s nothing wrong with that, Sash.”

“No, there is,” I whispered as I backed away from him. “I didn’t think past the instant gratification. I’m never like that, Liam. I didn’t think about Riley or your dad or my mom or Jenna or all those other girls who – ”

“What are you talking about? Who’s Jenna?”

I stopped when I hit the back of the couch. “Are you serious? Aria’s cousin. You saw her today. Tall, blonde. Loud.”

Liam made a noise of vague recognition. “Right.”

“You almost fucked her the night the cops came to the bar,” I said bitterly, my breath picking up as Liam hovered over me, forcing me to a seat on the back of the couch.