“Because you keep looking at your stepbrother like you’re about to get in trouble.”

I froze. “What?”

“I don’t know. Tell me I’m imagining things. Tell me I don’t need to save you from someone who might be a bit too possessive.”

I gave a look of confusion despite the panic building in my chest. “I… think you’ve misinterpreted something entirely, because I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

Tuck studied me deeply for a moment. “Good. That’s what I was hoping to hear,” he said before nodding toward everyone. “Sorry if that was out of line. Definitely owe you a drink for that one. I’ll meet you there in a second, okay?”

“Yeah.” I walked away as fast as my heels would go and flashed a warning look as Liam caught up with me, his long, easy strides catching the attention of just about every woman he passed.

“I need a moment alone with you, Sasha.”

“It’s not a good time.”

“It never is, is it?”

“I don’t know, Liam, I can’t think right now. I just – ”

“I’m taking you home.” Liam stopped me with two hands on my waist. I pushed them off.

“Don’t. You can’t touch me like this – not now.”

“Then when? I can’t stand watching that prick put his hands all over you while I stand around waiting for permission. You have to understand how this would drive any man fucking insane.”

“Liam, I can see Riley watching me right now,” I warned.

“For fuck’s sake, I don’t care. I need you, and there’s only so many times I can grit my teeth and bear it as I watch another man touch your body like you don’t belong to me,” Liam growled. “I can’t take another fucking second of it.”

“You drank too much, or you’d be able to control yourself right now.”

He pulled back with irritation. “Yeah. That’s it, Sash. You fucking nailed it.”

“I’m sorry. But don’t make this any harder on me.” I stared back at him hotly. “Trust me, Liam, there is never a time of day when I don’t wish you were touching me and holding me. I swear to God when I ache for you, it hurts a million times worse because I never knew real pleasure before you, and now that I do, it’s all that I want,” I hissed. “But I’m scared right now, okay? I’m nervous, and I’m paranoid I’m being watched, so I just need you to keep your hands away from me till we get out of here – okay? For me. Can you do that?”

The intensity of his stare filled the empty space between us. Finally, with a curl of the lip, Liam stepped back. “Yeah,” he said briskly. “Hands off.”

“Thank you,” I whispered tensely before putting on as normal of a look as I could muster. But when I got to the booth, I could tell from my friends’ faces that they’d just watched every second of my exchange with Liam. Max was tugging his beard. Aria was sitting at the edge of her seat, clearly waiting for a signal that I needed her. Next to her, Riley stared at me as she leaned in to whatever Natalie was giggling in her ear.

“What?” I asked.

Natalie’s lashes fluttered. “Nothing! Hi!” She burst from her seat to come give me a hug. “Damn, girl. Lookin’ good. I thought I’d just pop by ‘cause – oop!” I went stiff as I felt her cold martini slosh onto me. “Shit. Goddamnit!” Natalie pulled away to assess the damage, groaning at herself when we both saw the pink streaking down the front of my sweater dress and onto my boots. “I’ll pay for it,” she blurted before gasping suddenly. “Oh! Club soda! It works for me all the time. Here, let’s find a bathroom first.”

In a flash, she was holding me by the wrist and pulling me upstairs. “I’m pretty sure the bathroom’s downstairs, Nat.”

“Girl, that’s the one for the commoners. I used to cocktail here, I know all the secret spots.”

After climbing a flight of stairs, our heels clicked down a dim hallway, and when we reached a black door, Natalie pushed her way in, pulling me inside. I looked around, impressed and confused. It was indeed a bathroom but it was big and private with tufted walls and red lighting. I felt like I was in the back room of a high-end strip club.

“What the hell is this?”

“The upper area for private parties. Usually rented out by rich Wall Street boys,” Natalie said as I noticed the bowl of condoms next to a leather chaise lounge.


“I know, right?” she snorted before wetting a wad of paper towels and handing them to me. “Dab the stains. Don’t rub – press,” she said. “I’d do it for you but I have a feeling you don’t want me all up in your boobage.”
