“You’re the one torturing me in those fucking boots.” The gravel in Liam’s voice made my thighs twitch. “Those are the ones, aren’t they?”

From Christmas. Two years ago. “Yes,” I said flatly. I probably shouldn’t have worn the boots. It was the first time since that night in the hot tub that I’d even put them on. But with Ethan out of my life, I was free and eager to wear them again. Of course, I should’ve guessed they’d turn Liam into an animal. My skin tingled as he moved closer to me. His hair was unruly and bourbon seeped from his skin. Still, his presence electrified me.

“You have no idea how many times I fantasized about fucking you in those boots.”

Heat rushed up my legs. It settled into a deep throb in my sex, but I refused to respond. Instead I fixed my attention on Riley, relieved that Dwyer had her easily distracted with his sharp tongue. Though I stayed outwardly casual, I kept a tight watch on them, livid with Liam yet completely turned on as he murmured in my ear all the dirty things I used to wonder about.

“It took everything in me that night, Sash. I had to physically fucking stop myself from getting in the shower with you,” he murmured behind me, his whiskey breath hot on my neck. “You had me hard as a motherfucker that night.”

I flashed a look over my shoulder. “Liam.”

“She’s gone, Sash.”

I watched as Dwyer waltzed Riley into the kitchen for some reason or another. Tense, my eyes scanned the room as Liam pulled me back against his lap. He rumbled deep from his chest as he pressed my ass to his cock. My mouth parted because he wasn’t lying about being hard. Fucking hell, Liam. I was still pissed at him but I wished I could just pull him into one of the bathrooms. I wished I could let him just fuck his frustration out. I needed the release as badly as he did. Feeling temptation sweep through me, I tried reminding myself I was angry with him.

“You were a dick tonight. You can’t be that careless around Riley.”

“I know. I’m sorry.”

I stood to face him. “Seriously, Liam. Back at the house – why did you do that?”

“I don’t know, Sasha,” he said with a frustration I’d never seen on him before. “I just wish I could fucking kiss you right now. That’s it.” Liam’s eyes were glassy as he raked them over my body and across my lips. “The guys are here with their wives, their girlfriends. I wish I could be too. I wish I could show you off. Every second I’m out with you, Sash, I’m fighting myself. I’m putting every muscle to work because my instinct is to touch you and hold you and show everyone that you’re mine.” With a sneer, Liam drew his hand over his jaw and growled. “Fuck it,” he finally said.

“I’m sorry,” I exhaled, softening at his look of sheer defeat. Practically two hundred pounds of pure muscle and Liam was made weak by the fact that he couldn’t touch or hold me whenever he wanted to. Cupping his jaw, I peeked over my shoulder and leaned in to quickly kiss him on the cheek. “But I’m yours, Liam. If you know that, no one else needs to,” I murmured, pulling back to see a ghost of a smile on his lips.


And just as I took the seat next to him, I heard the kitchen doors burst open.

“God, I love this guy!” Riley squealed, wearing Dwyer like a six-foot sweater around her shoulders.

“Listen, Liam. Sasha. I’m gonna marry your sister,” Dwyer told us seriously, hobbling over. “I’m gonna take her arse back home with me. I’m gonna give up the boxing and we’re gonna retire on a feckin’ goat farm.”

“Beautiful,” I laughed. “I’m so happy for you guys.”

“Whoa, hold up. Did someone say something about fucking goats?”

“That wasn’t the context, A.J, don’t get excited.”

“Hey.” A.J jabbed a drunken finger at his brother, Tony. “You are welcome to make goat-fucking jokes when I’m single, but don’t you call me a goat fucker in front of my lady, alright?” He put an arm around Aria and whispered loudly. “I swear to God, baby. That’s a thing of the past.”

We collectively groaned at the joke. Aria pretended to retch. “And there goes the honeymoon period,” she sighed. I caught her eye, grinning at her for making it official in front of everyone, even if it was in a vulgar, classically A.J kind of way. We shared a giddy little look before Dwyer hushed everyone and raised his glass.

“Lads. And ladies. Let us all toast to the fact that A.J Rutkowski managed to find himself a nice girl. We all know Aria’ll probably come to her senses in a few months and leave him for an honorable man – maybe a doctor or a lawyer. Someone with a real family instead of a pack of twisted degenerates – ” The guys booed and cheered him at the same time. “But for now – slainte!”

With a burst of applause, we did just that.

“And one more toast me and my new wife, Rachel,” Dwyer said.

“Riley!” Riley and I corrected, cracking up as we all took another drink. I let out a breath, thanking God that the mood had finally lightened. But then Dwyer refilled his glass and raised it toward Liam and me.

“And while we’re at it, another one for these two lovebirds right here,” he slurred.

I froze like a block of ice. My stomach lurched as half the

guys cheered drunkenly while the other half fell quiet, eyeing each other in silent question. Fucking Dwyer. I watched as Riley’s eyes went from him to me. My heart slammed in my chest as I waited for someone, anyone to say something. Finally, Max let out a laugh.

“Alright, we’re cutting you off, Dwyer. That’s a little weird.”