“Oh my God – Max!” I shrieked when he suddenly appeared at the top of the stairs. I pushed myself off of Liam. Need ached between my legs but I scrambled to cover myself up. Liam rushed to help me as he shot a livid look at Max, who was already shielding his eyes and looking away.

“I couldn’t stop her,” he blurted as I saw the familiar figure that had come up the stairs. I wasn’t sure if I was more furious or mortified.

“Jenna – what the hell are you doing?” I demanded, tears of humiliation burning my eyes as I knelt helplessly on the table that Liam had been fucking me on a moment ago. I refused to blink as I watched Jenna ignore me to gaze at Liam. Dipping her head downward, she wet her lips.

“Damn, babe. Packing even more than I expected.”

Liam sneered. “You need to get the hell out of here.”

“Please, Liam, you want me here,” Jenna purred. “Don’t pretend you wouldn’t rather be up here fucking me instead of her.”

Oh. My God. I stared in disbelief as Jenna gathered her hair and tilted her head to the side, making it clear that she was still checking out Liam’s dick. Is this real life? I had to ask myself. Her eyes were glassy and she was visibly drunk but still, I couldn’t process the situation. At all. What the hell was happening? Did Jenna Pettit really just interrupt me while I was having sex with Liam? Again?

I could tell Liam was in shock himself but he glanced at me, giving me his best reassuring look before turning to Max. “Get her out,” he said firmly. But when Max reached to, Jenna jerked away.

“Touch me and I call the cops,” she snapped over her shoulder. Then with a twisted smile she turned to me, watching me fail to wrap my costume back the way that it was. “God. You are beyond pathetic, Sash.”

“Excuse me?”

“You do realize that you literally drag Liam away and fuck him every time he so much as speaks to me, right? How do you even live when you feel that insecure and threatened every day of your life?”

“I’m not going to justify that question with an answer, Jenna, so just get the hell out,” I hissed, covered up again, my shaky legs moving to join Liam at the edge of the table. I glared, waiting for Jenna to say something smart on her way out the door. But instead, she planted her feet.

“No, I think you should leave, Sasha. I could use some alone time with Liam.”

“You’ve got to be kidding me.”

“Not at all.” Jenna crossed her arms with a placid smile. I wanted to laugh but a dark feeling crawled into my stomach as her smug eyes gazed over the railing, down at the party. “In case you didn’t realize, your sweet sister arrived about ten minute ago, and if you don’t go downstairs to say hi to her now, Sash, I will. And I’ll be sure to include a little story about how I just walked in on you riding your stepbrother’s dick like the sad, needy slut that you are. Matter of fact, I’ll just put it right up on Facebook so everyone can see. How’s that sound to you, hon?” Jenna cooed, gasping in delight when Liam was suddenly an inch from her face.

“You’re insane if you think you can run your mouth to her and get anything but your ass tossed from this party.”

“Promise to do it personally?” Jenna giggled, eyes sparkling at Liam’s seething rage. He wasn’t going to put his hands on a girl. She knew that. So she taunted him, clearly getting off on it. “Anything with your hands and my ass, babe, I’m all about. Let’s not forget how hard you spanked it that night at Sasha’s bar,” Jenna lilted. “We both enjoyed that night – right?”

Liam was livid but for once helpless. I knew he wasn’t used to the feeling, and I could see it eating at him from the inside out. Fury burned in his green eyes. It clenched his every muscle tight enough to bounce a quarter off of. I saw Jenna delighting in every moment of that, as if he was putting on a private show just for her, and I hated it. I hated every second of my life that I let her immaturity have even the slightest effect on. I had too much now to let someone as small as her bother me.

So I indulged my own fury for another second before deciding I’d reached my limit. And without thinking, I stepped between Liam and Jenna, a spark in my head and a calm in my veins

“Listen to me, Jenna. What you’re going to do is leave now, and you’re going to do that without a word to my sister on your way out,” I said. When she laughed, I cut right in. “You were right the other day. I’m too nice. I’ve always been afraid of upsetting people, and that’s why I was always quiet when you and Aria and I hung out. I thought it was awful that you were having an affair with your married boss and sleeping with him while his kids were in the house, but I didn’t say any of that. And I kept my mouth shut every time you sent us those texts with pictures of his big apartment and his giant bedroom and all the fancy gifts he bought you. I’m sure you never would’ve sent all that to me if I weren’t such a nice girl because to a nice girl, those pictures are just part of a story. But to anyone else, it’s incriminating stuff. It’s the kind of dirt that would get you into a lot of trouble.”

My heart beat fast but steady, and I felt a sick sense of satisfaction flood my veins as Jenna’s face went from a lovely bronze to an impossibly beet red.

“To be clear, I don’t actually want to do anything like forward your texts and pictures to your employer, but if you decide you want to pull t

he blackmail card, Jenna, then two can play that game,” I said evenly. Through the corner of my eye, I saw Max press the end of his fist against his mouth, stifling his reaction.

“You would fucking never,” Jenna hissed, her flushed face growing blotchy the way it did when she was truly furious.

“No. Normally, I wouldn’t. But if you don’t play fair, I won’t either,” I said plainly. “Guess I’m not as nice as you thought.”

Eyes wild, Jenna stammered, starting about a dozen different sentences but finishing none. She went through a range of emotions, shaking her head then laughing bitterly then sizing me up like she wanted to fight. But it all amounted to nothing.

“Fuck you, Sasha, you’re a fucking bitch,” was the best she did before shoving past a laughing Max and pounding her heels down the stairs. I could practically feel the smile on Liam’s lips as he came up behind me and pressed a kiss against the back of my neck. He was quiet for a bit, still laughing and trying to get over what he just saw.

“That was…” He trailed off and breathed out, both of us giving Max a salute as he excused himself back downstairs. “You never fail to surprise me, Sasha.”

“Is that a good thing or a bad thing?”

Liam turned me around and grinned against my lips as I wrapped my fingers around his cock. “Trust me, it’s never anything but amazing.”