So I nixed the safety and went for the new. It was a tight black piece with slivers of cutouts just above and below my breasts. There was a third cutout at my waist, as well as thin, black straps that crisscrossed over the two inches of exposed torso. They somehow made me look all the more scandalous.

Of course, it was nothing compared to the lacey filth I had on underneath.

“Do you see who you’re here to meet?” the hostess asked when we reached the furthest room. It was lit with an amber glow by gothic iron chandeliers that hung from the high ceiling. I took in the décor for a second before realizing that I felt the heat of someone’s stare on my skin.


I turned to find him in the corner booth, those green eyes on me already. Holy God. The breath hitched in my throat when I saw him wearing the hell out of a crisp white shirt and black jeans. I rarely got to see him dressed up, looking like a proper gentleman instead of some warrior king panting from a workout, muscles out and all glistening in sweat. I loved that look on him but this one flat-out weakened my knees. Standing there, I took a moment to revel and remind myself that the most beautiful man in the room was actually mine.

In his chair, Liam’s long frame was relaxed, his demeanor laid-back as usual. But his eyes were a stark contrast to his body. They were lit in a wildfire as he stared at me, devouring me. I felt as if the entire room could feel it too – like they were watching Liam take me in as if I were the most magnificent thing he’d ever seen.

“Is… that him?”

I blinked, forgetting the hostess was even there. When I tore my eyes from Liam to nod at her, she was biting back a crooked grin.

“Guess that makes you the luckiest girl in the world,” she murmured before smiling broadly and resuming her professional tone. “Enjoy.”

As her heels clicked away, I returned my eyes to Liam. He was standing up now, shaking his head a little, his gaze still locked tight on me as I made my way over. The second I was close enough, he pulled me into his chest. “Sasha.” He exhaled my name in a way that sent chills up my bare arms. “You must be trying to fucking kill me with this dress.”

“Of course not,” I laughed, my gaze dropping with content as he leaned in to kiss my lips. I couldn’t believe how foreign this felt. I saw Liam all the time at my bar, or at our usual hangout spots, and sometimes, the gym. But we never went to places like this together. These were the places he took his dates – the places I heard A.J laugh about a few days later, because the waitresses and hostesses had tripped over themselves to serve Liam, and his date had gotten so possessive she’d practically straddled him and performed a lap dance.

There wouldn’t be any of that tonight. For one, I wasn’t that type of girl but also, Liam’s eyes were fixed on me as if they’d never look away.

“Sitting across from me?” He lifted an eyebrow when I took the seat across instead of squeezing beside him. “So you are trying to torture me.”

“Not at all. I’m just trying to make it seem more like a proper – ” I cut off suddenly.

“A proper date?” Liam finished.

I paused. “Yes.”

“Why were you embarrassed to say that just now?”

My face went hot. I ran my finger along the menu, decidedly avoiding Liam’s intense gaze. “Jalapeno margarita sounds good,” I murmured, hoping I’d run the clock out on his question. I wasn’t surprised that he wouldn’t have any of it.


I sucked my bottom lip in.

“Sash.” Liam reached for my hand. I lifted my eyes, melting straight into his serious gaze. I watched as he wet his sculpted lips while finding his words. “Look. I know you feel weird about this. About us.” He gave that sexy laugh. “And, technically, we are somewhat of a unique situation. But I’m still me, Sasha. I want you to feel at home with me like you always did. You and I, from day one, we clicked just like that. We were always good and I’d be lying if I said I didn’t miss how comfortable you always were with me. Before all this happened.”

I let his words soak in for a moment then gave a half-smile. “Before ‘all this happened,’” I repeated softly, squeezing his hand to temper what I was about to say. “That’s the thing, Liam. That’s all we can call ourselves. ‘This thing’ or ‘this situation.’ I know it’s silly but I guess during certain moods, I get down on myself about what… what we are. There are no words to describe us, so we’re just a ‘situation,’ and I don’t want to be characterized as a ‘situation.’ It doesn’t feel very good.”

A frown creased between Liam’s handsome brows. “Sash. Are you serious right now?” He removed his hand from mine, and suddenly, my heart dropped. My pulse spiked as I watched Liam sit away from me now. His eyes looked dark as they narrowed incredulously at me, making me regret every fragile, insecure word that I’d blurted from my stupid mouth. “Baby…” Liam laughed, something of a smirk on his lips. “The only reason you can’t describe us as anything more than a situation is because you won’t allow it. I told you from the start that I was happy to come out with this. In fact, I still am. I’m not ashamed of us, Sash.”

I let out my breath, both relieved and embarrassed that he had a hell of a solid point. “That’s… true, I guess.”

“You’ve always been the girl I wished I was spending my time with. I’ve always loved making you laugh and I’ve always loved listening to your voice. I couldn’t be prouder to be the man who’s with you, Sasha. Look at you.” Liam leaned back and ran his hand along his jaw, hiding the sexy grin that spread wider and wider as he took me in. The air between us grew quickly hot and thick as Liam tilted his head just so, undressing me with his eyes so clearly that I hugged my arms to my chest.

“Liam,” I scolded playfully.

“Stand up.”

The husky command of his voice made me swallow. “Right now?”

“Yes. Stand up. Let me see you.”

Biting my lip, I obliged and stood up. Pushing my hair behind my ear, I reveled in the sudden heat that traveled through me as Liam’s greedy eyes treated themselves to every inch of my body. There was something so erotic about it. It felt as if I were on display just for him. I knew there had to be eyes on us but in that moment, I couldn’t be bothered to think about it.