Aside from having my cock buried inside her, I had Evie’s tight ass pressed up against me, her shaking tits in my hands and my tongue in her mouth.

It was unreal. Gratification like I’d felt before. There were no words to describe the sensation of finally having every part of her body in my possession. I hadn’t known her for even a month, but somehow it felt like I’d waited years to feel exactly this.

I was beyond content already.

I was convinced it couldn’t get better, but once her pussy was perfectly stretched around me, she started moving her hips, meeting me halfway on each thrust till I was just goddamned standing there in awe as I watched her ride backwards on my cock.

“Jesus, Evie,” I hissed with both hands thrust in my hair. “You gotta be fucking kidding me with that pussy.”

I lost track of time watching her. I didn’t know how long I stood there hypnotized by her working those hips, bouncing that ass and covering my cock from root to tip with her sopping wetness. All I knew was that I couldn’t look away. I didn’t know she had this in her and at the same time, I wasn’t really surprised. She was innocent and fiery all in one breath. She gasped at my size a second before begging me to fuck her harder, so there was no guessing with her. Not that I was trying to figure anything out.

I was too busy enjoying this more than anything in the goddamned world, and I hadn’t even heard her come yet.

“Turn around,” I growled when I felt myself getting close.

I’d barely slid my dick out of her before slamming back in, wrapping her legs around my hips and squeezing her ass as I carried her to the couch. I didn’t slip an inch from her slick grip as I lay her down, hugging her leg to my side and grinding deep inside her till she went completely quiet.

But I saw her trembling lip and I felt her nails in my back. I read the look in her big eyes as she nodded breathlessly, and even if it weren’t for the nonstop spasms of her pussy around me, I’d have known she was seconds away from giving me the sexiest sounds I’d ever heard.

“Go on. Come for me, baby,” I breathed out, my own body tingling, numb from the pressure of holding out. I knew the second she came, she’d take me with her.

And she did exactly that.

All I needed was the first second of her blissful moan to shoot off like a fucking cannon inside her. My mind went instantly vacant, but as her walls shuddered around me, I drew on every last ounce of energy in my body – thrusting inside her, still fucking her senseless as we soared and fell together.



I wiped the sweat off my brow, laughing between sets as Iain just stood there scrutinizing me, looking like he was trying to read my mind.

We were at the Empires workout facility, so he stuck out like a sore thumb in his crisp white button-down and slacks. Of course, in typical Iain fashion, the authority of his presence made it seem like he was the one who was right, and we were just the animals who were underdressed for this place.

“You’re fucking creepy, you know that, right?” I panted before picking up the dumbbell and going back to my laterals.

I acted like I didn’t know what the hell he was here for, or why he was looking at me like that, despite the fact that I knew there was no lying to this asshole. He knew his clients too well – me in particular.

“I just think it was very kind of you to volunteer going to some boring restaurant opening with her when you had a day game in the morning,” Iain said.

Read: I think you’re sleeping with her or trying to.

Yeah. I knew what he was implying, but if he couldn’t prove it, I wasn’t going to say shit. For all he knew, I took Evie home, we went to our separate bedrooms and I passed right out to get some good rest in before having to wake up earlier than usual.

There was no way for him to figure out that I’d taken her home and come harder than I ever had in my life inside her, or that we’d passed out together on the couch.

Though by the time I’d woken up this morning, she was already gone.

“Well, you said it yourself, man.” I blew out air from between my teeth as I lifted. “It turned into good press.”

Apparently, not asking for pictures didn’t mean that the people at Merryweather didn’t take them, because by this morning, the gossip pages were flooded with candid snippets of Evie and me. They were taken from the Instagram and Snapchat accounts of Hillary’s friends. According to the articles, I was “keeping it low-key” by meeting Evie’s friends at a “friends and family only event in Brooklyn.”

“According to one source, Maddox was overheard discussing the ‘e’ word with a few of Larsen’s friends – engagement!”

That was Iain’s doing. His company represented both actors and athletes, and he was so tight with the media that I would’ve called him a traitor if it weren’t for the fact that he was only ever using or manipulating them.

“It was definitely good press,” Iain said, his eyes leisurely scanning the room to make sure there was no one in earshot. There wasn’t. But even if there were, the room was just a chorus of slamming weights and animal-like grunting, so honestly, I could barely hear Iain myself. That’s why I thought I’d heard him wrong on what he said next. “Anyway, you proposed to her last night.”

I had to finish my set before I snorted.