“I really want to.”

“You’re drunk,” I hissed.

“I’m not, you prick, I’m just wet,” she hissed back, squeezing handfuls of my shirt as she kissed me hard. I was lightheaded when she pulled away. “You tortured me all night by making me talk about sex, so put your money where your mouth is, Drew, and fuck me. Make me come.”


Make me come.

I heard those words and apparently blacked the hell out, because the next thing I knew, I was a madman stalking Evie out the front doors of the hotel. My car was already waiting and ready to take us back to my place. I already knew which couch I wanted to bend her ov

er before I buried every inch of me inside her.

But all I needed was to see her slightly trip on the sidewalk before she got in the car, and suddenly, I stopped in my tracks.



My pulse hammered in my ears as I froze in the middle of the sidewalk and stared at Evie waiting for me in the backseat, writhing for me in that painted-on dress and looking desperately at me with those big doe eyes. I clenched my jaw tight. My chest heaved as I breathed out hard as I realized what I was hoping I wouldn’t till tomorrow:

That this was a bad idea.

And it couldn’t happen.

Whether or not she was drunk, I couldn’t do this to her. We had three months of contract left and I couldn’t promise myself that I wouldn’t be a piece of shit after we fucked. That I wouldn’t be cold as stone to her the second I came. There were a lot of lies out there about me, but my being an asshole wasn’t one of them. In fact, it was a well-practiced skill. I was as good at maintaining a distance as I was at throwing an unhittable pitch. Like baseball, callousness was something I’d perfected over the years. It gave me a sense of comfort. Stability.

That was just how I was, and there was a reason Iain said not to fuck her.

Approaching the car, I stuck my head in the backseat.

“Gary. She’s going to the Adelaide Hotel.”

“You got it,” Gary said as Evie blinked at me. She knew exactly what was happening – her cheeks were already flushed pink with embarrassment – but I could see her trying to give me the benefit of the doubt with her confusion.

“What’s going on, Drew?” she asked, failing to hide the tinge of hurt in her voice.

“Gary’s going to take you back to your hotel,” I said, watching her process my change of mind. She paused. Then her lips formed into a wobbly little pout for all of a second before she switched gears and narrowed her eyes at me.

“What’s your problem, Drew?” she seethed.

“Just go home. Get some sleep,” I said. I was being a condescending prick, but I needed to do what I had to do to get her out of my sight fast.

“You promised to help me with something,” she enunciated, as if I’d forgotten that I’d agreed to and still desperately wanted to make her come all over my cock. Every muscle in my body was fucking aching to like never before, but that was all the more reason to push the big red button and let the trusty walls go up.

“You can do it yourself,” I said, catching the fire in her eyes before I stepped back to close the door.

The right move at that point was to just close it, and on any other day I could’ve done it without hesitation. But Evie’s sudden calm piqued my interest.

And it just about spiked when she leaned back and said, “You’re right, asshole. I can.”

Then she started touching herself over her dress.

My adrenaline stalled and my gaze grew heavy as I watched her part her legs, sliding her hand between her thighs.

“Don’t do that.”

“You told me to. Now close the door.”