I covered my face. “Skip,” I said.


“That question.”

“That’s not allowed.”

“Four months ago. Next.”

I avoided his stare of pure disbelief. But just because I wasn’t looking at it didn’t mean I couldn’t feel its heat on my skin.

“When was the last time you came more than once in a night?”

“Are you really asking me that right now?”


“You’re an asshole.”

“We’ve established this.”

I glared for several seconds.

“If you must know, I literally can’t even think of my answer.”

“Too long ago to recall?”

“Yes! Maybe! Who cares? Why do you need to know?” I demanded.

“Because the idea of you not being properly fucked is driving me crazy right now.”

His answer had me speechless again but this time, the intensity of his stare also had me breathless like I’d just run a five-minute mile.

He’s a player, an asshole and you’ll regret it, I answered myself before I could ask why I shouldn’t just fuck him. But even knowing that, it was hard to ignore the tension heating up the air between us, making it feel almost too thick to breathe in.

“It’s been awhile,” I finally said, trying to sound unaffected as he dragged his heavy stare up my legs. “And you have two questions left.”

“I know.”

“I think you should save them for another night.”

“No thanks. Hottest unfulfilled fantasy?”

I rolled my eyes at him.

“Getting a five-figure tax return.”

He returned my eye-roll.

“Sexual,” he clarified.

“Pass, because I know what happens when I answer this,” I said, pinning my stare on him. “Whatever I say I want, you’re just going to imply that you could do that for me right here, right now because you love making me nervous, so let’s just bypass that whole self-indulgent process and say yes, I’ve been sexually frustrated before and yes, you could probably make me come very, very hard. Much harder than Mike ever did,” I said hotly, wondering when the hell Drew’s lips had made it so close to mine. His arm was draped over the back of my seat as he hovered over my body, heat smoldering in his green eyes as he stared at me.

I didn’t even know what I was feeling.

Kiss me. Or don’t. Fuck you, I thought, my brain a mess of confusion as I heard a stampede of footsteps come clamoring our way. I frowned, watching the heat in Drew’s stare become fire as he slid his eyes over my shoulder. Suddenly, he was shaking his head at something.

“The fuck, Ty,” he growled just as a voice boomed behind me.