Hope this works!


From: Drew Maddox

To: Iain, Evie

I don’t think I have the words to express how uninterested I am in all this.

From: Iain Thorn

To: Evie, me

That’s fine. You’re not supposed to be interested in errands. You’re doing them because you’re whipped by your girlfriend whom you love dearly. The world has never seen Drew Maddox do something unselfish. This is your chance to show them a change.

I have photographers arranged to be in both these general areas tomorrow. Keep me posted via text when you arrive at each location.



From: Drew Maddox

To: Iain, Evie

Did you have returns just sitting around your house for this moment Evie why didn’t you do them earlier

From: Evie Larsen

To: Iain, me

Because I bought this stuff online and there isn’t an Urban near my part of Long Island. Also, Iain asked for mundane errands or I wouldn’t be dragging you along on this. Trust me, I’d rather get this done without your inevitable commentary.

From: Iain Thorn

To: Evie, me

Right. I’m glad you two are already fighting over errands like a real couple but if you want to continue this argument please do so in a separate email thread.

Dick. I smirked at Iain’s last email as I waited near the F Train stop Evie said she’d be getting out at.

I had no idea where I was. I went into Brooklyn

often to get to the stadium, but I never ventured beyond that point. In my head, when I heard Brooklyn I saw either hipsters with handlebar mustaches or fat, loud guys who pronounced it “New Yawk.” But clearly, Brooklyn wasn’t just the stupid, stereotypical shit in my imagination because whatever this place was, it was nice. I liked it. It was busy but quiet. All the little streets were lined with trees and townhouses, and the main street I was standing on was full of small restaurants and colorful storefronts. I got a good amount of glances and a couple excited reactions – mostly the wordless big smile-slash-point thing – but I went a full ten, twelve minutes out there before someone even asked for my autograph.

“Hi, Drew?”

My eyebrows went up as I looked down to see the tiniest, jet-haired kid standing in front of me.

“My mom said I could ask for your autograph if I was fast and I left you alone afterwards.”

“Hey, man, it’s all good,” I laughed as the kid presented me with my latest ESPN cover and a new Sharpie. “Damn. You just had this on hand?” I grinned as I sank to a kneel.


“You just had this magazine with you?”

“No, we bought it from the store when we saw you. We were getting bubble tea and then I saw you, and I told mom, and then we went to the newspaper store down over there to buy the magazine. And I think my mom had the Sharpie in her purse already. She has snacks in her purse too.”