You could live in the city. You could get out of that crappy apartment. You could be closer to work and save money on rent. You could get Mike’s attention. He is obsessed with baseball. He hates the Empires. This would rile him up like no other, and there’s no way in hell he won’t call you asking for answers within the first week.

I chewed on my lip as I thought of the cons. You have to play house with Drew Maddox.

It was only one con but it was a big one. Drew growled with impatience.

“Look, whatever it takes to make it worth it for you, you can negotiate that with my agent. Money talks, and I’m sure you have a price.”

Eyes narrowed, I crossed my arms.

“As charming as your insane cynicism is, you should know that I wouldn’t actually accept the payment from you. I own a company and I have a job. Yes, money’s tight but I don’t want or need yours. Especially if I’ll already be saving on rent by living in your apartment.”

Drew raised his eyebrows, looking genuinely impressed.

“Unexpected,” he remarked.

“Sorry to shake up your sexist view of the world, but not all women you encounter are gold diggers.”

“Duly noted. Now let’s get back on track. Are you in or are you out?”

I pursed my lips and dropped my gaze into my lap, trying to figure out at what point it was during this conversation that I’d begun to genuinely consider this.

Because I was, and I was only just realizing that now.

“Look, if the problem is that you don’t trust how hot and bothered you get around me, then I understand.”

I looked up to see Drew grinning that fucking grin, both of us knowing well that this was his stupid reverse psychology at work again. But just like the last time, despite the sane half of my brain screaming no on repeat, I tipped my nose up and put on my best game face. I pictured Mike’s face when he saw me with Drew in the papers, and before I knew it, I said the words I told myself I wouldn’t.

“Fine. Consider me in.”


From: Iain Thorn

To: Evie, me

Just to fill you in, Drew – after meeting individually with Evie this afternoon, we came to the agreement that tomorrow would be a good start date since it’s your only off day till next month.

We need to quickly convey in your first public outing that Evie is unlike any of the women you have been photographed with in the past, and since you’ve only been photographed with women at events, parties and nightclubs, we’re going to lose the flash and go low-key/non-trendy for this outing

This will involve an 11AM lunch at a restaurant of Evie’s choosing. Somewhere relatively unknown and outside of a trendy, hotspot neighborhood (SoHo, Meatpacking, LES) would be ideal. After your meal, you will accompany Evie while she completes errands around the city. The more mundane, the better.

Evie, once you send me your itinerary, I will arrange for photographers to be in each location you hit. These will be cell phone shots sold to the likes of TMZ so dress according to how you would like to be seen in the papers.



From: Evie Larsen

To: Iain, me

Hi Iain,

I’ve chosen the following for our outing tomorrow:

Lunch: Louisa’s in Cobble Hill (Brooklyn)

Errands: Groceries at Sahadi’s followed by returns at Urban Outfitters. I will probably wind up dropping by Trader Joe’s at some point since there’s one in this area anyway.