Without uttering another word, the meeting was adjourned, and the members started to leave slowly. Miles stood up and walked over to meet Cole’s face. “You’ll be hearing from my attorney,” he gritted.
Cole smirked, “I’m looking forward to it. Maybe we can join the cases with attempted murder and violation of an NDA.” He leaned in and whispered, “you owe me a boat.”
Miles’s face turned white as he buttoned his suit and left the room. Looking at the table overwhelmed with emotion, Drake whispered in my ear, “If you don’t marry that man, I will.”
Paul hit his arm playfully. “Not if I beat you to it.” They stood and left.
Cole looked in my eyes, and I smiled, “I didn’t need you, I was going to fix this on my own.”
Cole nodded, “That’s why I hold 5% voting in this business. Not because you take my breath away every time I see you or that you make me want to jump your bones but because I truly know that my investment will go far in your hands.” He flashed me a grin and left.
The room was empty, and every emotion crossed my mind. I sat in silence, thinking back on how my position toughened me over the years. The time I gave up and the number of hours I had put into building the place that I was just minutes from losing on that vote.The clock in the background was ticking hard. My mind was racing, and I felt at peace for the first time. My stomach fluttered, but it was a different feeling. Immediately I realized how hungry I was and started rubbing my belly. Soft words left my mouth as I looked down at my belly, “I hope you have your mom’s professional drive but your father’s ability to love.”