Page 39 of With Conditions

He threw both bags over his shoulders, and we walked up the porch. It was truly amazing how at home the place felt. He opened the screen door and as soon as we were about to step in, the largest spider crawled out. Jumping up I squealed, “Eeeww, Yikes!”

I started moving my legs up and down to escape from the jaws of that thing and Cole started laughing. “It’s okay, we have large spiders, snakes, really every animal is larger here”.

Calming down, I brushed my legs and stood up like everything was fine. Plodding through the screen door, the place smelled like the ocean. The walls had been painted light, and it was spotless. Hardwood floors and lots of family pictures hanging on the walls. Past a living room on the right, we ambled into a large open kitchen that one could tell was used daily.

We walked down another hall and a large room with a queen bed and a sofa.

“This is us,” Cole said, depositing our bags down on the floor. “I’ll take the sofa,” he continued, queuing to what I was already expecting.

Opening my phone, I found the top right corner showed no service or internet. “Do you know the wi-fi password?”

Cole laughed as he started putting his things up. “We don’t have internet here, and I would be shocked if you got service.”

Floored, my jaw dropped. “So, how would you do anything or call anyone?”

“We have a telly hanging in the kitchen.”

That man just brought me to another country with no internet. I bit my tongue not to judge his family’s home. He came over and softly cupped both my arms with his hands. He tried calming my nerves, “It’s going to be fine. We are going to have a blast. You better suit up, though.”

He tottered into the bathroom, which was connected to another room, and closed the door. Looking through my bag, I found my suit and started undressing. Cole walked out of the bathroom just as my breasts hit the air. Covering them quickly with my hands, I saw him smile at my reaction. He taunted, “I’ve already undressed you, so there’s nothing to hide.”

Remembering our time in the cabin, I quickly turned and finished putting on my top so he couldn’t see. “I’m guessing you enjoy nude beaches.”

His lips curled into the most devious grin I had ever seen. “You have no idea.” He replied throwing a towel over his shoulder and walking out the room.

Once my suit was on I put on a light sundress and marched towards the kitchen. It was small, lived in but cozy like the rest of the home. Stepping out the back door, I could see the ocean. This place was built for the views. Cole was waiting outside the door. We passed the grass area and walked onto the sandy beach. They had chairs lined up with surfboards dug in the sand, and I could see a few people on waves. Cole waved me over, and the blonde woman stood up. She was thin, pretty, and had the sweetest smile.

Her silvery voice addressed me, “Hi Sophie, I’m Meg, or everyone here calls me Mom.”

Smiling and reaching out my hand for a soft shake, she quickly walked past, giving me a large hug. “It’s so good for you to stay here. Anything you want, you just ask Cole, he will get it for you.” She turned back to her son and cupped his face. Oddly tears grew in her eyes. How long had it been since she had seen him last?

“I’m Stephanie,” a voice sitting behind me said. She was a built woman with short pixie brown hair.

“Hi, nice to meet you,” I nodded. She didn’t respond and looked back out at the waters. Cole touched my lower back to lead me to some short chairs next to her. He grabbed me a bottle of beer and opened it. Not really wanting to drink, he didn’t make it an option when he opened a second for himself.

“When am I going to see you on a board?” I quipped as I saw him gulping almost half of his beer in one go.

“I don’t surf in the ocean anymore” His tone was flat.

“What? Scared of sharks?” His face hardened at my words.

“No, just the demons,” he cryptically mumbled as he looked out towards the two men on a wave.

A few moments passed, and the two men surfing came in and threw themselves on Cole. “You got me wet,” Stephanie snapped towards a guy with long hair and more muscles than Cole had. He appeared similar to Maverick, so I started to guess all the relations.

“Sorry, babe!” His voice was softer than I’d expected. He playfully wrapped his wet body around her. Laughing at his ease to annoy her, it didn’t take me long to assume they were a couple. A shade was cast on my body, and I looked up, covering my eyes from the light. A tall, gorgeous man with short blonde hair stood in front of me, clean-cut looking like the Russian from the movie Rocky III.

“You must be Sophie?” his voice sounded different from Cole’s, but the facial features were a dead giveaway that they were brothers. Standing up to greet him, I held out my hand which he embraced like a professional. “I’m Dalton, the most mentally stable brother.”

His wink would make any woman’s heart jump, but I could see right through his player ways.

“He’s as stable as an umbrella in a hurricane,” a deep voice chimed in from behind. Turning around, the man that was wrapped around Stephanie was looking down at me. Any woman would envy his long hair and baby soft tan skin. “I’m Brody, the biggest brother.”

The air around me echoed with chuckles from everyone but I didn’t understand why it happened. He was at least six foot two inches tall and may be had two percent body fat.

“The things he says when Asa is not around,” Cole’s voice piped up, grabbing another beer from the cooler. “Oh, Asa is just coming out the water.” Dalton replied. Not thinking that anyone could be more attractive, a stunning model like man appeared in front of me. He leaned down and kiss my cheek, when pulling away he said “I’m Asa. Nice to meet you.” His large frame was much like is brother Brody but full of tattoo’s. He was the epitome of a sexy bad boy.

This was the first time I noticed Cole drinking. I wasn’t sure how any family could be that pretty on earth, but it was not a shock looking at his mom, who was what I wished to look like in my late 50s. A few hours passed, and local friends joined in for beers, beach games, and surfing. This was the first time I didn’t think about anything involving business.