Page 37 of With Conditions

Chapter Eighteen


Searching through the airport building, I was looking for terminal B12. The place was jam packed. Cole didn’t pick me up at 7 a.m. like he said. Instead, he sent Tibby, who broke the news that Miles has the corporate jet, so I was getting ready to ride with American Airlines. My level of lifestyle had changed, and I was not used to waiting. The line to get past security was over an hour.

I chided, “How do they expect people to make flights when they put you two miles on the other side of the airport, and you have to wait an hour just to ensure everyone is safe?”

Miles laughed through the phone at this entire situation which didn’t help my already frustrated mood. “Have a great time and have fun in first class.”

Ignoring his arrogance, I added, “I’m going to miss you Miles.”

He didn’t respond so I hung up the line. After making my way towards the boarding area I heard a deep laugh inside the airport. Cole. Looking towards the sound, I noticed him talking to a young flight attendant. I reminded myself out loud, “You’re not speaking one word.”

Every seat was full, and people had been standing waiting to load. I was wearing a purple summer jumper, and my hair had been halfway up halfway down. Sitting on the edge of the window, I looked at the large plane getting loaded with luggage. A woman was playing peek-a-boo with her toddler, and I watched their joy. That radiating joy made me grin like an idiot, regardless of the fact that I was standing in a crowded place intruding on a private moment between a mother and her child.

Riding on a private jet had its perks but seeing families come together for travel was pretty amazing. I noticed them wearing matching vacation shirts and started to think about what I gave up to succeed and if it was worth it. A few moments passed, and they started to announce for the first class to load. Cole looked over at me still flirting with the flight attendant, who I guessed was on our flight. Walking over, he ended the conversation and tried to help me with my carry-on. I pulled my hand away, not saying a word.

“Good morning. Listen, I know you’re not talking this entire trip, so being the gentleman I am, I plan to order everything for you.”

Rolling my eyes at his annoying good mood, I handed my ticket to the lady. She gave me an odd look before Cole jumped in, “She’s mute.”

I felt mortified, not understanding why he would tell her that. I jammed my elbow in his side. Pissed off, I stormed into the terminal and directly onto the plane. Pulling out my ticket to see my seat number, I turned to the attendant Cole was hitting on. “Excuse me, I think something is wrong with my ticket. It says row 42. I’m in first class.”

Cole grabbed the ticket out of my hand before the flight attendant could review it. He posted his arm up over her leaning in with a smile, “she can’t read or write.” My jaw dropped as he continued, “That’s why I’m here, volunteering my life’s work to helping this poor soul.”

Her eyes fluttered, and she grabbed her chest. “You really are perfect.” What the hell, that actually worked. I didn’t know who I should have felt angrier at, him or her? I needed to teach her a few things on feminism.

I gritted at him, “what are you doing?”

He smiled with his full charm on to the flight attendant, “It’s a miracle. She is no longer mute. It must be your beauty.” He winked towards the attendant only to watch her melt at his words.

Grabbing the ticket, I made my way to the middle seat in the back of the plane. Cole placed his items in the bin, followed by mine. As much as he tried to be a dick, he was a natural gentleman. Opening up my phone, a text came in from Drake.

Drake:The board meeting was moved until next month, so it looks like you can attend. I’ll book your flight.

Looking pissed and betrayed, I didn’t respond. Typing a text to Jessica I wrote:

Sophie:Can you verify the next board meeting and secure the company jet when we leave Australia.

Popping open my laptop, I started emailing and checking the trending numbers for the new business we acquired. Cole was in a conversation with the man sitting next to us, who seemed to be from Australia as well.

“Excuse me. You need to put your laptop up. We are getting ready to take off.” The same slender blonde that was all over Cole was leaning far enough over that her boobs propped in Cole’s face.

“I don’t understand. The plane mechanics are not going to know if my tray is up or down or my laptop is open or closed.”

“Ma’am, if you can’t comply with FAA, we will need you to leave the plane.”

My face went flat as I could not understand the difference in safety. Looking towards Cole, who was smiling in my direction, he seemed to enjoy it more than I could imagine. Slamming my laptop screen closed, I started to comply. “Can I please have a vodka and coke?”

She turned away, without saying another word.

Cole leered, “Even someone as rich as you doesn’t mess with the FAA?”

Perfect timing, the flight attendant returned with my drink, “That will be $8.00.”

“You charge for drinks? We already paid an outrageous amount of money for this flight. You fit over 300 people on this flight at $1,000 a ticket when I know gas gives major airlines a discount…” Stopping dead in my sentence, I realized I sounded like a spoiled rich brat. Disinterested in my complaints, she gave Cole a sad look. What twilight nightmare did I sign up for!

Cole quickly pulled out his wallet. She swiped it and handed him a napkin. Reaching for it, he quickly put it in his pocket. Wow! It was that easy for him to get the girl’s number. My head started to pound and I knew that the agreement was one I should have paid off and let go. Tossing in some sleeping pills, I downed my drink and put in my air pods.