Page 28 of With Conditions

Chapter Fourteen


Recollecting Maverick’s words, I tried my best to keep my distance from her. When I walked away from her in the water and back inside the cafeteria doorway, Maverick eyed me, “That was cold as hell.”

Looking at him I could tell he was not talking about the water temperature. “Hey, I’m just taking in your words of advice.”

Lucy reached over and hit Maverick on his shoulder. He grunted, “What? I’m just trying to protect my boy.”

She rolled her eyes as he headed into the cafeteria. “Listen, you need to follow what you feel. To be honest, she doesn’t feel fake to me.” Lucy was the type to defend anyone. Unfortunately, she only saw the best in people, and it seemed that Sophie was just another person she was defending.

Watching the boys come in, we started to clean up the area. After a while, I noticed that Paul and Sophie didn’t return. Had I ran her off?Was she so pissed off that she didn’t even come back inside? Walking out the doors, I searched for them when I saw a familiar SUV pulling out of the driveway. Feeling like an utter asshole I felt as if I couldn’t let her run off like this. Moving back into the cafeteria, I hunted for my sneakers, threw them on and ran through the path in the woods. I came out on the other side of the long driveway and in front of the SUV. Unable to stop from running so fast or run I hit the gravel road and the front end of the SUV hit the side of my leg.

A sharp pain shot through my leg and I limped a few seconds before collapsing on the ground. The car stopped, and I could hear the chatter while lying on the ground for a few seconds. Sharp pain engulfed my knee and I held it trying to see if anything was broken. Sophie stepped out, scooting in my direction as she bent down to examine me. “Are you okay? Are you out of your mind? Why did you run in front of a moving car?”

Still holding my knee, I could hear Paul in the background getting 9-1-1 on the phone. I whined holding up my hand to wave in his direction, “Don’t, I’m fine.”

Leaning back on the ground Sophie and the driver, a short chubby lady, looked down at me.

“Listen, I’m sorry if I was a dick to you.” I managed to breathe trying to stand up on my feet and I leaned on the car. “Paul, it was really great meeting you, and I appreciate you coming here today. The boys love visitors, and our food fight lunch is the best.”

The driver lady and Paul, both perplexed, met each other’s eyes before looking back at me. Paul replied, “yep, no problem. Are you sure you don’t need an ambulance?”

“No, really, I’m fine.” I showed them a thumbs up hiding that immense pain I was still feeling.

They both got back into the car, and Sophie crossed her arms in front of her chest. “Listen, I know we have a deal, but you’re the one who crossed the line when we went boating.” I gazed deep into her eyes, as she continued, “and I’m kind of seeing someone. Well not seeing them but… I have someone.” She was stumbling all over her words.

Realizing that the conversation was racing in the wrong direction, I couldn’t help but get mad. “Oh, I’m sure you use people every day. Let me guess you had him sign a contract too because we both know that’s the only way you can get a man.” FUCK! What the fuck just happened. How could I?

I saw the pain in her eyes, I could see my words had stung her, but I was getting sick of her acting like a complete bitch one minute and soft and kind the next. She was the most confusing woman I had ever met, and honestly, Maverick was right. All she cared about was herself.

“Excuse me,” she snapped back putting her hands on her hips. “You have some fucking nerve judging me. You’re some lumberjack, wake-boarding asshole that does nothing but plays games with rich women to get your jollies off, and you’re going to judge me?”

Hurt that she thought about me in such low regard, I moved in quickly to close the space. “You’re right, now run along and play puppet master being that you don’t know how to have a real relationship with anything or anyone but your fucking bank account.” Her eyes turned a deeper color and I could tell that I hit every nerve in her body.

Walking back toward the path in the woods, I tried to hide my limp. Sophie paced following me but picked up a rock and threw it in my direction. Thanks to my reflexes, I ducked just in time or I would have been returning back with my head busted open. Unable to control my laugher I let out the sound that was so loud it bounced off the trees. She growled back my direction and I could see her looking for another rock to throw. Turning around, I noticed Paul jump out and seize her to put her in the car. I kept standing on the path with a leer, I enjoyed watching her lose control.

“You missed,” I instigated as I turned to head back.

“You bastard,” she bellowed, scrabbling with Paul as he put her in the SUV and left.

Limping my way back to the camp, I met Maverick at the gate ,when he flippantly asked, “How did it go?”

I was fuming with anger. “Lucy was wrong. She is a childish stuck-up stubborn woman.”

He sneered as I continued to walk towards my truck and leave. “Sounds like my kind of woman,” he taunted as I jumped in. Lucy flashed her middle finger cursing at Maverick to fuck off as she stood on the cabin steps and tried her best to hide it from the boys.

Firecracker, and as horrible as that situation went, it only turned me on more. Something about her getting riled up made me excited. Before those thirty days were up, I would make it my mission to find out who she really was.