Page 63 of With Conditions

Chapter Thirty-Two


She was everything I could ever imagine, and although broke and having nothing to offer, I could tell she cared for me. Her naked breast gleamed from the New York lights, and I watched her sleep for a few hours before dozing off myself.

The following day, I woke up with a smile on my face. Rolling over to kiss her, I noticed the spot in her side of bed was empty. As I sat up, I threw the sheets back, and a large stain of blood was on the sheets.

“Sophie,” I called out as I jumped up naked, looking for her. Walking into the bathroom, she was inside the tub, holding her knees. “Sophie, are you okay?” The bathtub had a red line streaming down it, and her eyes filled with tears.

“I’m calling an ambulance.” Sophie didn’t respond, she had an empty look in her eyes, and I couldn’t process why she was not speaking.

I dialed the number when a woman’s voice from the other end spoke, “911, what’s your emergency?”

I walked back into the bathroom, rubbing her back, “Yeah, we need an ambulance. My girlfriend is pregnant and bleeding.”

“Okay, calm down, sir.”

Pissed off that anyone would tell me that in this situation, I gritted my teeth, hollering the address before hanging up. Shaking Sophie to pull her out of the trance she was in, I grabbed a towel and wrapped her in it. She didn’t speak, only stared in the blankness, like her eyes had no more tears to cry. The EMS made it within a few minutes, and I threw on my pants before running down to meet them.

“She’s in the bathroom.” I pointed towards the direction. While closing the door, an arm stopped it before shutting. Dark brown eyes met mine. “Tibby!”

She must have sensed the panic in my face as she reached for me. “What’s going on?”

Shaking my head, the only response I could come up with was, “I don’t know.”

As we turned to walk up the stairs, the EMS was carrying her down. They loaded her in the ambulance, and I jumped in the back. She looked in my direction and reached for my hand.

Making our way into the hospital, I was stopped by the nurse, stating that I couldn’t go to the back. Sophie had an oxygen mask on, and she kept her saddened eyes on me as our fingers made one last touch. Tibby and I sat in the lobby.

“Tell me everything that happened,” she pleaded.

Unable to speak, I threw my face in my hands as anxiety took hold of me. Tibby started rubbing my back and bent down next to me. I tried hard to suppress my tears, “Maybe I’m cursed. Every time a woman I love gets pregnant, I end up here.”

Soft palms reached around my face removing my hands. “Right now, the people you love need your hope. Don’t you dare seal anyone’s fate with your negative words or thoughts.” Processing her words, I felt her shaking me hard. “Do you hear me?”

Nodding and wiping away the sadness, my phone rang. Grabbing it from my pocket, I looked down to see my mom’s name. Clicking the phone on, my mom’s sweet voice filled my ear “Cole, is everything okay?” It was so odd how my mom always knew when one of her sons needed her.

“I don’t know, no one is telling us anything.” The line was silent and I looked around to see Drake and a man walking towards Tibby talking to her.

“Colton, I’m getting a flight.”

Holding my head in my palms I wanted to tell her not to worry about it but in reality I needed her. “Mom, let’s just wait until I talk to a doctor.”

“Colton, I need you to be strong right now for everyone. You promise me that you won’t shut me out again and keep me informed.”

Listening to her words I was stuck on the again part. How does this always happen? “Colton,” my mom was firm on the line.

“Yeah, I’ll make sure to call you when we know something.” Drake walked over to me and I hung up the line.