Page 6 of With Conditions

“Who gathered his file?” the tone of the room shifted to an upsetting note, and Drake noticed it.

He admitted as he let himself out of the door, “I did.”

Moving back to my desk, I finally had time to open the blue folder before quickly closing it as my eyes darted towards the TV screen which lit up on its own. Looking at the TV, I realized that it still had the thumb drive attached. The screen blinked, and an open word doc showed up with words being typed onto it one after the other.

My Compensation is bonus based only… WithIce Cream and Red Heels.

A winking emoji ended his message andmy sex clenched with it. The door opened, with Drake walking in with a complete file. To hide the message from Drake, almost tripping over on my red heels before hitting the off switch and pulling out the thumb drive.

Drake paused in his tracks, noticing that something was a bit off. “Everything okay?”

“Make him the same offer as the last. Also, move him to the office next door with a code tracking system, so we don’t have another HR nightmare like the last CEO. I’ll be running all companies out of my office here until his 90 day probation period is over.” Moving towards my desk again, my phone lit up:

Unknown: It should be illegal for you to own red heels.

Sophie: It’s illegal to hack into a company database.

Unknown: The first move as CEO will be protecting your software systems and ensuring I delete anything that shouldn’t be… much like what I did in the security camera footage in Colorado.

My heart jumped thinking about how exposed I was in Colorado and that they might have had security camera footage of the event.

Sophie: Thank you, I like my private life being private.

Unknown: Same.

iPhone notification: You created a new contact, “Miles.”

iPhone notification: You have installed “Greenbank Software,” which will take 24 hours to update.

Miles: Change your password, restart your phone, and I will no longer be able to hack into your phone.

A sense of comfort fell over me, knowing that he cared for my privacy enough to keep himself out. He could have easily not let me know he was hacking my phone but did the right thing. This man seemed all too perfect.

That night I tossed in my bed thinking about him, what his hands would feel on me, what he would feel like inside me. How crazy he made me feel next to him!


Stupidly hiring him, knowing he would be around me more—way to go, Sophie. The following day my phone was quiet. The notifications which made my heart flutter didn’t show up randomly. It was 6 a.m. the air felt heavy from the dew of the lake. I stepped outside dressed for the day. I led myself out the front door, expecting to see Tibby, who was not in the driveway. Stepping back in to wait on Tibby, I looked at my email and noticed a “Welcome New CEO Miles Calvin” email at the top.

“What the…”The words made their way out of my mouth on their own as I felt anger rising up in my chest. My fingers hit up the speed dial to Drake which went straight to voicemail. “Shit!” I paced around my home looking for my keys when I realized I was chiding my own self out loud. “Why am I so reliant on others?”

Digging through the keys in my dresser, I pulled out the fob for my Mercedes. Still in my workout outfit, I hit Tibby’s contact again, hoping to find out what the hell she was doing. No answer. Has my entire team lost their minds? Quickly jumping in the car, I opened the door to the garage, but before I could it pull it out of the garage, my car turned off. Rage inside me made me scream this time, “Oh My Gosh!” What the hell is happening?

Repeatedly calling both Drake and Tibby only for my calls to go unanswered again, I entered my house, flipping off my workout shoes in the corner. Before heading out again, I changed into my favorite black jeans paired with a gray t-shirt and those black boots I loved a little too much. Walking around the hall to grab another set of keys on my desk, I accidently dropping the remote, my TV lit up. Miles was standing in front of the HQ centers. “I’m truly blessed at this opportunity, Sophie, and I make a great team, and she has done such an amazing job. It’s an honor to be by her side… in this lifetime.”

Looking closely into the screen, I noticed Tibby standing next to the little girl from the photo and Drake posing next to him. “WHAT…” I screamed before hauling ass to my motorcycle.

Jumping on my 636, I sped past several cars, and within ten minutes of parking, I was next to my private entrance. The elevator door opened with Drake standing inside. Walking in next to him, the doors closed behind us.

I narrowed my eyes at Drake to convey that I was pissed off at him. “Hi, it’s so nice of you to answer your bosses’ calls.” I snapped.

Drake looked terrified. “The board approved his hire, and Miles told us that he spoke with you, and he was good to start today and let you have the day off.”

Unable to speak, I jumped on the elevator with my helmet in hand. The elevator doors couldn’t have opened slower as we reached the top. I marched off, throwing my helmet and jacket on the chair. Drake’s eyes were wide open seeing my casual attire.

I held my breath and spoke through clenched teeth. “Where is he?”

“He is in his office.” Walking toward the door, Drake could hardly manage to keep up the conversation as the gym music filled the lobby area from down below.