Page 56 of With Conditions

Chapter Twenty-Six


The next morning I met Miles at the doctor’s office. He was in blue jeans and a black shirt and his casual appearance was unexpected.

“Good morning,” he smiled, handling me a Starbucks coffee. Not wanting to be rude, I took it with no intentions of drinking it because I had already completed several articles on having a healthy pregnancy. No one else was in the lobby. Miles turned to me, “so I want you to know if this baby is mine, I’m going to be involved fully and be the best father I can to this baby.”

Smiling curtly at his response I didn’t say anything not knowing if this was a good thing or bad. I had no feelings for Miles and knew that this contract would be eternal if he was the father. A woman came out in a nurse’s outfit and called his name. Miles disappeared through the door. The entire time I never imagined having to share my baby with someone. I planned to pay them and be a sole parent. After a few moments passed, they asked me to come back and complete the exam. I walked out of the patient’s room and into the hall joining Miles.

“When do you think we will know?” Miles enquired the nurse.

“We will get you the results in a few hours.” Dr. Rice replied. On the way out the door, Miles looked in my direction and smiled. “Talk to you soon?”

I nodded before turning around and heading back to my car. Later in the day, my shoes clicked on the hard floors of my office. Waiting for the results was killing me and I wasn’t able to sit straight for even a moment. I kept pacing around the area, looking at my phone. Paul and Drake sat in the chairs watching me while stealing glances at one another. Finally, the phone rang into my office, and Drake reached to answer. He put the phone on speaker, and in true Maury fashion, the words were voiced, “Miles is not the father.”

My heart plunged, and my knees started to feel weak. Drake finished the conversation and hung up the phone. It was shocking, and I couldn’t believe what had happened.

“Do you think the results are wrong?” Paul queried in astonishment himself.

Tears filled my eyes, and Miles’s name appeared on my phone. Clicking the red button to ignore, I knew that he also heard the results.

“Well, to be honest, honey, it’s better this way. Cole doesn’t ever need to find out, and you can protect this baby from having a backstabbing father.” Drake came over and hugged me. It was everything I needed in that dark time.

Putting my laptop in my bag to collect myself, I looked at Drake and Paul, “Please, just keep this between us for now?” They both nodded, and I trusted them to do so.

Back at my loft, I thought about the choices I had made. How stupid was I to go from hating a man to lusting over him? We didn’t use protection in the heat of the moment, which was unusual as I always kept myself prepared. Miles had called my phone six times that day, and all I wanted to do was crawl in a hole and hide. After watching some news, I drifted off on my bed wrapped in a towel.


“Hey, wake up,” Tibby’s voice filled my ears, and I found her sitting on the side of my bed. The sun was bright through the windows, and she was looking for something.

“You and I need to discuss boundaries of our personal and professional relationship,” I said with an annoyed tone that she woke me up and tried avoiding the sun from the large windows in my loft. Paying no attention, she grabbed the remote on my bed and took a sip of the coffee she put on the nightstand for me. I yelled out, “hey!”

“What? I’m just ensuring I don’t cross any boundaries.”

Glaring at her, I looked at the TV she had switched on. My mouth dropped. “What the…”

Tibby took another sip. “Oh yeah, honey, he’s the real wolf.” Hearing Miles’s voice and seeing his face on TV was shocking.

The headline was loud and clear. ‘CEO of Boss Babe Corporation involved in a sex scandal.’

My heart dropped into my stomach. Tibby turned it to a volume I could hear Miles’s voice. “We have been informed of this situation and are very disappointed in this type of behavior. If this were a male, he would be terminated on the spot, and I’m going to request immediate removal of her position within the corporation as we investigate her conduct.”

My entire body filled with fire. Pictures of me entering the BDSM dungeon in Australia with Cole appeared. My body was blurred out on several images.

“Well, you look hot as hell.” Tibby said as my eyes filled with tears.

Miles paused and looked down at the camera as if his eyes were into mine at that moment. “We have also been informed that she is expecting a child and I hope that she has the character to do what’s right in this situation.”

My eyes flared with violence as I repeated through gritted teeth and clenched fist. “What’s right in this situation? Who the fuck does he think he is?”

Tibby raised her hands in the air seeing that I was about to explode. Keeping my eyes on the screen, Miles went to walk away, two very familiar faces hit the screen. Jamie was getting into the black limo and the man from the dungeon who joined Cole and I was closing the door acting as a driver. Drake and Paul came running out of the elevator. How did they find him? He must have taken a large payout from Miles to get those photos. So much for that NDA I signed.

“Get my lawyer on the phone now,” I shrieked, walking into my closet. I flipped off my robe and started putting on my suit, dressed in full business attire with my hair in a bun. Drake, Paul, and Tibby followed me into the elevator.

Drake was on the phone with my lawyer, and Paul ran data on the news trends. “Shit, this is on ABC, CNN, and Fox News.”

Tibby paced off the elevator, and immediately we spotted news reporters waiting outside of my building. We all turned around and headed towards the parking garage. What a complete nightmare!

Feeling an all-time low, I knew I needed to keep myself together. We gathered in the SUV and made our way to the New York office. My phone was blowing up, but I ignored all calls. Tears started to well in my eyes, and clenching my hands, I tried my best not to let them fall, but they did. Tibby moved into the parking garage, and they turned and looked at me. Within an instant they grabbed me and gave me a full-on hug which made all the emotions leave my body and I broke into an ugly cry. I sobbed, “What am I going to do? I’m going to lose everything.”

Tibby, Drake, and Paul didn’t answer. We sat in the silence of my self-pity, and after a few minutes, Drake chimed in, “You’re going to do what every badass woman who experiences life should do. Dry up the tears, and let’s destroy this asshole.”

Taking in his words, my heart went from broken to mad. Paul handed me a soft tissue, and I wiped away my tears. How dare he humiliate me like that on live television? “You’re right. Let’s take this fucker out.”

Rambling into my office, I saw that the entire collateral damage team was present. “The board meets Friday as planned.” It was Steve’s voice and I could tell that he had no hope from me not being suspended.

“Great, I look forward to being present.”