Page 48 of With Conditions

Chapter Twenty-Three


“Good morning,” his soft voice blended in the background as bright lights jumped into my massive headache.Trying to sit up straight in the bed, I looked to see I was still wearing the horrible dress from last night. Pulling the shades down, Cole quickly stopped me. His face was next to mine, “you don’t happen to have any apples on you, do you?”

Flopping back down and pulling the covers over my face, I let out a groan.

“Don’t worry, only three more days that you have to put up with me.”

The sheets moved off my skin, and I pulled back the losing battle. Then, opening my eyes, Cole was back by my side. “Let’s start over today, shall we? I would like to show you something.”

“Listen, Cole, I’m with Miles, and it was a big mistake what happened.”

Before I could finish, he threw a pair of shorts, a t-shirt, and shoes on my stomach. “Get dressed,” he demanded as he walked out the door.

Walking into the bathroom, I wiped the mirror, noticing my curly hair and messed up makeup. “Oh shit!” Turning on the water, I was ready for a hot shower.

Back in the room fully dressed and with my normal-looking self, I was met with coffee and eggs in the kitchen. Cole was alone, and he passed me a glass of water with two pills.

I mumbled a feeble “Thanks.” Quickly, I stuffed the pills and downed them with water. My stomach felt like slosh, and I felt horrible. Looking around, I noticed the apples high on the fridge. “Funny!” I smirked, looking in his direction. He was quiet but oddly amused. I took a deep breath before putting what had been eating me inside into words. “Listen, I’m sorry to assume and not ask questions before drawing out conclusions.”

He stayed there looking out the window before facing me. He walked over to the table and sat on the bench beside me. “You don’t need to apologize. Today, I want to learn more about you. Why Miles?” My face fell with the tricky question.

“Did I interrupt something?” a deep voice filled the air. We both turned to see another man standing in the hall.

“Yes, I see you didn’t forget the address,” Meg snapped, joining in from the backyard.

Cole quickly stood up and shook his hand. “Pop.” he addressed him.

“Hi, son, I’m so glad you made it back.”

The entire vibe was odd, and Meg walked past me, picking up an apple from the fridge. She smiled in my direction as she bit the thing hard. She might have been imagining it to be his hand or something. Standing up, I went over to introduce myself. “Hi, I’m...”

He finished my sentence, “Sophie, I’m aware of your portfolio.” He shook my hand warmly. “I’m Brooker, the boy’s father.”

“Donor,” Meg corrected as she walked outside. Realizing that I needed to go back to a place I passed out last night, I looked back at Meg. “Can I borrow your Jeep?” Cole shot a startled glance at my request.

“Of course,” Meg said, tossing the keys.

Cole’s voice went deep, and his eyes looked pissed. “Have fun and tell Miles I said Hi.” Cole’s jealousy was not a good look for him. He disappeared out the back door, and I made my way towards the Jeep. Pulling up to the house, Stephanie stormed out and got into her Lexus, glaring at me.

“Looks like you didn’t kiss and makeup,” I yelled to Brody standing on the porch.

“She will be back, and if not, oh well,” his smile was like Cole’s. “I didn’t know Billionaires had driver’s licenses.”

“Yeah, about that. Want to go for a ride?”

He touched his stomach. “Does it involve shots or dancing?”

“No, I need your professional opinion and navigation skills.”

“Now, that’s something I can do. How much are you paying me?” he joked as he entered the jeep.

“Not sure how much is a broke semi-pro surfer’s opinion is worth.”

He grabbed his heart. “Wow, savage.”

We both laughed, and I put the Jeep in reverse. “I need a surf shop,” I announced my mission looking at him for the directions.