Page 26 of With Conditions

Chapter Thirteen


Paul looked confused and mad. Ignoring Cole’s presence he fumed, “he has never lied to me like this. I think she was confused.”

Cole joined us in my office area, making himself at home. He sat on the couch and pulled out his phone to text. Focusing on Paul, I needed to guide him out from the Snapped episode that would happen if I didn’t. Pulling out my phone, I texted Drake.

Sophie: Please have my flight to Australia switched to my private plane.

Drake: Miles and I are using it for business purposes.

Sophie: Why are you flying with Miles? You are my assistant?

A few moments passed when my phone lit up.

Drake: He needed Jessica to watch Molly, so I assisted him with the company needs.

“It looks like Drake will not be back until tomorrow. We can game plan till then,” I replied smiling at Paul. He looked a bit lost.

Cole picked up on the situation quickly. “We could always use more hands, join us.”

“Where are we going?” I quickly darted.

“To make you look more human,” Cole said with the sides of his lips curling.

“Sure, I could use that in my life as well.” Paul retorted looking at me with a playful smirk on his face.

Paul was digging Cole, so he laid it on strong, needing a lift into his truck. After Cole helped him in the passenger side, he helped me towards the driver’s door. He looked down at my Sperry’s, navy blue shorts and white tank top.

“I’m starting to steal your style” I flashed a wink in his direction. Then, climbing in the cab and sitting in the middle, I draped my legs between the shifter. Cole joined right after and cranked up the beat-up truck.

“Oh My Gosh, I’m going to die,” Paul dramatized, clinching his sunglasses. This was an entirely whole new world compared to the lifestyle Paul and I lived. We started driving along the backroads, and my phone chimed.

Paul: This is it, this is how my life ends. Some hot Australian straight guy taking me off in the backwoods to shoot me without even giving me one last sexual experience.

Reading that text, I laughed out aloud, making Cole suspicious. Before I could even respond, the truck turned into a dirt road with a sign that showed ‘Yogi Outdoor Youth Camp’. After driving down the road for a few miles we pulled up to a large building that looked like an old log cabin. It was facing the beach area to the lake with pavilions and mini cabins off in the distance.

“Did you just bring me to the Dirty Dancing set?” Paul murmured, looking around in all seriousness. His face looked interested but terrified at the same time.

“This is Camp Yogi, come on, it will be fun.” Following Cole out to the driver’s side, I took his hand which he offered to help me down. I could feel his warmth and gazed into his eyes before being startled by Paul’s whines of no internet or service. He dropped his arm and closed the door before grabbing my hand and leading me to the opening before the lake.

“Look what the cat dragged in.” A tall brown-haired male in his mid-thirties approached us with an ear to ear grin. He embraced Cole with the largest bro hug I’d ever witnessed.

“Forget the internet. I’ll take an Australian sandwich.” Paul whispered standing next to me. I grabbed for his arm chuckling, “what about Drake?”

“I can look but just not play.”

Both Paul and I sneered before noticing Cole nearing our direction with the new guy.

“Sophie, Paul, this is Maverick. My best friend.” Cole introduced us. I extended him my hand for formal greetings. Maverick brushed passed it and picked me up hugging him in the same manner as he’d done with Cole. He was large, not fit but not overweight, perfect shape for his build. He was burly and had a profound amount of beard that brushed on my face. He was hot and sweaty, and the situation was anything but comfortable.

He let me down, and I held my arms in place, still wondering what universe I’d just stepped into. Cole grabbed my arm as I watched Maverick do the same to Paul, only he was enjoying it. “Come, you’re just in time for the lunch feast, and today is taco salad.”

“Why do you think I brought reinforcements?” Cole piped up as Maverick hit Paul’s back, and he lurched forward, almost knocking him over. As we approached the stairs to the large cabin Maverick and Cole opened the doors.

Children of all ages in light color matching shirts and cargo pants were banging a beat on the table. It was filled with over forty kids aged between four and fourteen, all boys.

“Let’s get ready to rumble,” Maverick gleefully yelled out as music filled the place and staff brought out large bowls and large gallon jugs of drinks.