“Cole,” he interrupted.
“Okay, Cole.” I joined him where he was sitting at the rear deck of the boat. “How did you get into all this surfing lake waves stuff?”
He paused, creating silence between us before flicking his foot to toss water on me in a playful manner. “When you live in a country surrounded by water, surfing comes naturally. Wakeboarding, however, brings waves instantly instead of having to wait on Mother Nature.” He pushed up on his arms and slowly lowered his body off the boat into the water. It was almost dark, and my feet had been shuffling in the water underneath. He kept his eyes on me, which oddly tested my confidence. Jolting as his hand touched my leg, he slowly moved them apart and positioned his thick hard torso between my legs. Before I could protest, he pulled me softly off the ledge. He lifted my body effortlessly while keeping his eyes locked with mine.
My legs wrapped around him, and my breasts pressed against his chest. He moved his hands up my thighs, and I naturally curled my legs around his waist. Feeling his breath as our faces had been inches from one another my stomach flipped with almost painful excitement. His chest raised with every breath, he felt calm, but my heart was racing inside. I wanted to kiss this man but I knew I had to keep it professional. He was just screwing the crazy CEO I hired before. Maybe landing successful women was his thing. But, looking deep into his eyes, they told me a different story. I could tell he was attracted to me, his hand moved up and down my skin, and I closed my eyes at his touch.
Was he going to make a move? We sat entangled with one another for a few minutes. He didn’t make a move, instead he was just seducing me with his eyes and smooth hands. A bright light filled his face, and before I could turn to see what it was, he leaned in and took my mouth in his. My mind went haywire as his soft lips hit mine, and within seconds, I felt him nudging his tongue past my lips. It was passionate, and his hands still stroking my skin while the other was firmly placed between my shoulder blades, bringing our bodies closer. Responding to his passion, I lifted my hand to moved stroking his hair. A boat started coming close to us, and his body jerked away. Once I was able to process it, I noticed it was reporters with cameras on a boat.
He moved me towards the boat plank, and we made our way on the boat.
“How did they find us?” I asked, looking at the boat that was now disappearing in the distance.
“I’m not sure.” He wrapped a large warm towel around my body and went to start the engine. It was silent on the ride all the way back as he pulled his boat on my dock. “Where is your boat?” he yelled out as he switched off the engine, still staying in the captain’s chair.
I made my way to the seat across from him to meet his eyes. “I don’t have one.”
His lips pointed out as he processed my statement. “What, how do you live on the lake and not have a boat?”
Hesitant to answer I felt uncomfortable telling him more. “This is my first time out; I just like the view.”
His face looked almost shocked, and he stood up and leaned down towards me. “Looks like I have a lot to teach you in 30 days”.
Looking towards my house I could see someone on my deck, I jumped to my feet. “It’s 29 days.” I corrected with a sensual smirk while grabbing my things, and started walking towards my house. The dock moved with the waves. Look at him, look at him once, Sophie. My head turned, and I could see him backing up, still holding his eyes on me. My heart somersaulted with happiness. I climbed the stairs outside to the top deck and froze. Miles was standing full suit with a bunch of red roses in his hand.
“Shit, it’s Tuesday, isn’t it?” I asked feeling horrible.
His stare answered me. “No, just a random day.” His voice filled with what sounded like jealousy.