Page 2 of With Conditions

Chapter Two


My heels clunked on the steps as we boarded the jet. Drake followed me as usual because I dreaded getting my heels stuck on the stairs. Making it look as graceful as possible, I felt more nervous than usual. I’ve had high hopes for the strong CEO I selected, and nothing hurt more than knowing that I failed at picking someone to run my very first business. I didn’t want to give up on it myself, but I needed to focus on the entire corporation. Taking my seat with an intention to put the time of journey into good use, I opened my emails to review. Jamie’s name came across the inbox, which reminded me of the conversation that we had.

“I hope your vacation is going well, nothing new to report on my end. Please reach out if you need anything.”

My mind wandered back to our conversation when we reviewed her offer to be CEO of the business. I gave her strict instructions that outlined the autonomy of her role and yet she chose to ignore our agreement. ‘Any reduction in force needs to be presented to the board for approval.’ This was inexcusable, I needed to find her replacement fast.

We had conducted several interviews with outstanding backgrounds in executive positions. Jamie was the only female to apply and she was well established within our industry. She held a Juris Doctor degree from New York University however we saw that she had a true passion for fitness. Whatever she lacked in experience she harbored in the passion and vision needed to grow our organization. Her decision to layoff our company was not the vision she presented during her hiring process and I couldn’t risk someone who failed to follow our agreements. Robert Cassidy was a prior CEO of a fitness organization but was recently laid off due to the business shutting down. This was a major red flag but also understood that he could be groomed.

“Did Robert take on any new position?” my eyes darted to Drake, who looked anything but relaxed.

“Yes, some company in Alabama.”

I kept scrolling through my organizer stopping on a newly added invite to my calendar. “What’s this interview on my calendar for next week?”

Drake didn’t look up from his phone. “His name is Miles. He was headhunted for the position but turned it down before Jamie’s offer.”

“Why do we think he would be interested now?” His eyes still not meeting mine.

“His company just got sold to a private investment firm, but it’s been a few months, so I figured he would be getting bored by now.”

I felt curious. A few years ago, this was an option presented to me however my fitness company was the first I ever built. Selling it made me feel as if I lost my first child. The company that built me into the businesswomen I was today. It was my biggest corporate lesson and sometimes unforgiving but never failed me. He had the courage to take the money and take a change in life. Oddly, I felt connected to his decision and wanted to know more. Not in a way that would convince me otherwise or to sell but the way that he didn’t make it personal.

“How much did it sell for?”

“30 million,” William interrupted into our conversation, something which I rarely tolerated.

“Why do I not know who he is, and why didn’t we make a bid?”

“He just came on the radar,” Drake’s voice was deadpan.

“He sold it for more than it was worth if you ask me,” William added.

“Did you send me his profile?” I asked.

Drake held my stare this time, “you will meet him in person on Friday.”

Leaning in towards his chair, in a friendly but soft voice I demanded, “I want his profile, now.” Of course, demanding things was not something I had to do with Drake often.

“We are working on it. He is a private man.” William came to Drake’s defense.

Pressing my lips together, tapping my fingers in my lap, I was agitated that William was coming to Drake’s defense. Being prepared was one thing that I took great pride in. Before a meeting, I wanted to know everything about everyone in the room. Not only was it a great character assessment but it also defended how plainly I needed to be with my audience. Drake had strong detective skills, so much that if he applied to the FBI they would give him a job. Something was off for Drake to not to know more.

“Private as in?” I questioned William now that he made himself a part of the conversation.

William clarified, “Well, he has done a great job at only advertising his company and not himself. Almost like he wanted the marketing strategy to sell but not for long term which is a red flag.” William’s business assumptions always amused me because he was usually spot-on, being a numbers guy.

I interrupted unapologetically, “or a tactical way of keeping the true focus on fitness and well-being instead of self-branding,”

“He’s a family man but with few pictures of his family are on the internet. No social media outside of his company, and to be honest, his website restricts any sign of hierarchy, which is why he doesn’t have a bio.” William gave a complete analysis in one long breath. Sometimes when he used to do this, I wondered if he thought of himself to be the ‘Sherlock Holmes’ of our world.

“Well, I don’t need pictures. The interview is in person.” I shrugged pretending to be unaffected, “Still, I do need his professional portfolio, so send what you have.”

The plane shook but didn’t startle me as we were going to be on the runway soon. Walking off the plane, my eyes found Tibby waiting for us next to the company car. Tibby was my driver whose biggest strengths were being on time, talking herself out of speeding tickets, and confidentiality. The nightclubs and after-hour short-term situations never leaked, even though tabloids would pay millions for the information. I jumped into the Escalade avoiding both my phone and laptop. I just didn’t want my attention to be diverted to anything at that time. North Carolina was home for me, and I loved to watch the scenery roll by as we made our way from the airport to the large headquarters. During the ride, all I thought about was my future. The whole point of hiring a CEO was to get some time and enjoy life. I was starting to break out in random hives due to my stress levels and I thought that Jamie would be able to share a little burden of mine. But, instead, she was now actually adding to my burden. I looked upon the colorful green trees and large forest that filled both sides of the road as the SUV rounded around the water fountain posted at the first of the HQ’s and headed towards the side of the building for my private entrance.

“Welcome back, Miss Dash,” Tibby said as she opened the car door in front of the large HQ building facing lake Norman.