His voice was nonchalant. “Because I have Brenda.”
Trying to hide the perplexed expression on my face, I stepped towards Brenda. He held out his hand to help me in. I moved in his direction and jumped into the lifted truck. “I’m good, thanks.”
He slammed the door hard, and I looked around. Lined with a black leather interior and an old silver knob on the door, I was surprised this truck even had a radio. The wood scent took over and I immediately thought of the one good person from my childhood. Not wanting to sound like a snob I contemplated if this truck would even make it out of my driveway. He jumped in on his side, and the truck’s engine roared bringing the vehicle to life.
Breaking the ice, I tried being cheeky, “Her name is actually Scottsdale. It’s written on the side, which now that I think about it, maybe it’s a boy?”
He let out a deep laugh as he turned the radio knob to old-school rock. We pulled out of the driveway where I noticed two reporters snapping pictures. I climbed over to the middle, and he wrapped his arm around me. Faking this relationship was going to be the easiest thing I have ever done. We pulled up to an old-fashioned building with a large sign ‘Italian Prosciutto’s Pizza’. As any gentlemen would, he came over and opened the door for me. Holding out his hand, I looked up at him. “You don’t have to do that, you know; the cameras are gone.”
“My mother would beat me if I didn’t.” He shot me a half-grin before opening the door to the restaurant.
Walking inside, I noticed that the room was filled with sports gear and large TVs that hung on the walls. It was small in size, but the dark ceiling really gave the place a special touch. We steered over to the bar, and he pulled a chair out for me before sitting in the adjacent one. My stomach grumbled at the smell of overpowering baked yeast and basil with oregano seasoning. An older woman with long gray hair stood behind the bar. She glanced at us both and stopped right in front of Colton. “This is an unusual time to see you in here.” Her voice was appealing and southern.
“We have a first-timer here, so make sure my usual is extra good.”
“You want to introduce her to the beer as well?” she asked.
“Of course, you can’t have pizza without beer.” His answer sounded more like a question to which I didn’t object. Not much of a drinker I took Drake’s advice to let go and live a little. One beer wouldn’t hurt.
My eyes gleamed as I took in his kind disposition. Sitting next to him in silence, I found that he was great at making awkward situations feel normal. He asked casually, “So, what do you like to do for fun?”
Without realizing, his question was actually difficult for me to answer, my reply was simple but accurate. “I like fitness and helping people.” He held his same positive face but I realized when he quickly glanced away that he was trying to hide a laugh.
The waitress approached with a large pizza and two beers. “Frank is scared to ask but would like you to teach our son some of your midair tricks?”
Lost in the conversation, I looked back at the cooking area which was open view to a large man wearing an apron with Frank on his name tag. You could tell they had been married for some time because her wedding ring while a basic band was indented in her finger.
Colton nodded as he wiped his face with a napkin after taking a large drink of the beer. “I’m not sure why he would be scared to ask. Zack is a great kid and willing to help anytime.”
The waitress nodded, charmed by his response.
“Do you have any plans after this?” Looking down at the largest glass of beer that failed to fit with both my hands around it, I turned to realize he was speaking to me. My mind was occupied trying to remember the last time I savored the delicious apple taste that lingered from the beer. Not even tasting it yet, I could smell the apple cider that flowed out of the glass. Lifting the glass to my lips what started as a small sip, my urge kicked in and I drank the glass halfway down without even realizing it. It was amazing, the fizz, apple and different flavors consumed my mouth. Putting down the glass I realized I spilled a little on my hands while drinking. He handed me a napkin.
“Do you like it?” He asked, his lips twisted into a stunned grin.
I looked at him, acknowledging he was trying to have a conversation. I quickly tried to form my words. “Yes, this is better than sex.”
The place seemed to quite a little just at the right time that my words filled the entire place, for everyone to heard me. Luckily it was just Colton, the bartender, and I. My face instantly felt hot embarrassed at what I had said out loud. After a few seconds of sitting in my embarrassment they both busted out into laughter.
“It’s on the house if you promise to put that on our social media review,” the bartender added.
I felt glad she wasn’t offended. Colton’s eyes shifted to me with his face turning serious, “That’s unfortunate.”
Lost in what he was implying, I reached for the Pizza. The first bite hit my tongue, and I could feel the goosebumps. The warm flavors of sweet bread, melted cheese, and tomato sauce melted into my mouth. It was heaven, and I truly could see how addictive eating it every day could be. Colton gazed admiring me with limited conversations and mostly of me shoving pizza and beer in my mouth. I could tell he was attracted to me, and to be honest, he was handsome. His eyes and lips alone could melt a woman’s heart, which I was sure he was well aware of through practice. It felt comfortable sitting next to him in the silence. Looking over at him a few times, I could see the vein pulsing from his neck. His skin was like silk and dark with a constant tan making him seem like a life-size Ken doll but with longer hair and dressed like he was constantly at the beach or in the woods.
“I’m guessing you like it?” he interrupted my deep stare.
“It’s amazing,” I said, watching my words this time. Finishing up, I grabbed my purse to pay, and the waitress held up her hand, “your money is not welcome here, only your company.”
Her gesture was flattering and instantly I sent my location to Drake with a quick text.
Sophie: Donate $10,000 to this pizza place under an anonymous name.
We always tried to support local businesses, but the biggest issue was that this is the first time I visited a local place in over a year. I felt embarrassed and ashamed at the hermit I had become.
Colton stood up. “You never answered my question. Do you have anything going on today?”
Looking at my phone I found a full calendar. I clicked the off switch before meeting his gorgeous eyes. “I’m clear for the day.” As the words spilled from my mouth, I was shocked. Maybe it was the beer was getting to my head, I never cancelled anything but was having a great time and didn’t want it to end.