Page 43 of Collateral Damage

“Just take a moment. Tell me what’s up.”

She exhales in a rush and leans her head against my chest again. “I’m sorry. God, I’ve been crazy. It’s just that…” She chews the inside of her cheek, a habit she employs whenever she is nervous or upset. “I don’t know how to do this. I don’t know how to be the cool girlfriend who sees her man off to war and just acts normal.”

“No one expects you to carry on like normal, angel. You are allowed to feel what you feel.”

“And we’re going to miss our anniversary.”

So that was it. “I don’t know exactly how long I’ll be away, but it certainly won’t be months. When I get back, we can celebrate.” I pull her tighter into me again and wrap her tight in my arms. Bending down, I nip her ear, “Or, we can start celebrating now.”

Suddenly, my stomach flips like an out-of-control B-52, and my palms are all sweaty.

I turn her around and cup her face. Without taking my eyes from hers, I lower my mouth and press soft, sweet kisses from one corner of her mouth to the other. Her lips part, and I dip my tongue into her mouth, massaging hers with my own.

Breaking the kiss, I smile. “Look in your jacket pocket.”

Fuck, my heart is hammering.

Confusion crosses her face. “Why?”

“Just do it.”

Jess glares at me. “You asshole! Did you slip my keys into my jacket?” She reaches into her pocket and sucks in a breath. Her eyes shoot to mine, then back to the white box tied in a green ribbon, her favorite color.

I scoop down onto my knee and look up at her. “Jessica Mae Summers, will you be my wife?”

Everything is moving faster than expected. This probably isn’t the time and definitely isn’t the place. Jess deserves so much more, but I’ve been carrying the ring around with me for weeks, and I just couldn’t wait any longer.

She starts crying, her shaking hands flying to her mouth, and she wastes no time as she nods her head. “Yes.”

I scoop her up and twirl her around, then plant her back on her feet before taking the box from her with shaking fingers to retrieve the ring. But before I place it on her finger, I stop. “Marrying me, signing up for this life, is not going to be easy. It will mean more missions. More time I’m away from you.”

Jess raises her eyebrow. “Are you trying to talk me out of it, Mr. Davis?”

I run a hand over my face. “Fuck no, but I want you to be sure, angel. The life isn’t easy.”

She laughs. “I know that. It isn’t easy now.”

I place the ring on her finger. She launches herself at me and kisses me hard, then takes a step back and looks at the ring. The ring is a round emerald flanked on each side by two smaller emeralds, and I’m suddenly nervous she won’t like it.

“Oh my gosh, it’s breathtaking,” she whispers. “It’s perfect.”

I take her hand and kiss the ring, then kiss her knuckles.

“How did you know my size?”

“You’ve got enough fuckin’ jewelry to sink the Titanic,” I tease. “I just slipped one of your costume rings out, and the jeweler did the rest.”

“You did good.”

I pick her up and hoist her on the bed. “I love you.”

She rises up on her elbow, and before our lips touch, she whispers, “I love you too.”

The kiss we share is sweeter, deeper, and it means more than any other kiss we’ve ever shared. It’s a promise, a pact, a commitment. It’s forever.

I hate to break the moment, but I know she has to go to work. “Your keys are in the bowl on the kitchen counter.”

“Keys?” She looks confused again.

“Your keys to go to work?”

She slips her hand behind my neck and pulls me down. “Screw Keagan.”

“Angel, this is the only time I’m gonna hear you talk about fucking another man and be happy about it.”

She giggles against my mouth until I make her gasp.