Page 33 of Collateral Damage

Chapter Thirteen – Jess

“No. No fucking way!”

I frown as I chuck my keys on the table next to the door and make my way toward Chris’s voice.

My frown deepens even more when I hear Tyler’s laugh reach down the hallway. Chris and Tyler get along fine, and I know Chris has a tremendous deal of respect for Tyler ever since he helped locate Skyla with his savvy tech skills. They tease and banter with each other, but they’ve never really hung out on a one-on-one basis, since Tyler has always been Skyla’s friend. And even if they did, Chris doesn’t sound very happy at the moment, although Tyler is laughing.

I walk into the room and take in the bed with exercise clothes sprawled out on it. “What’s going on?”

“Dingbat over here is having way too much fuckin’ fun with a simple task I gave him,” Chris grumbles.

“I think what Captain I’m-not-your-fucking-slave over here seems to forget is he asked for my help, and I so generously freed up my time to do so,” Tyler shoots back.

“What you did was take a total piss. Look at these. This one is in bright fuckin’ pink. The last time I saw anything this bright was when I used a flare.”

“Firstly, there aren’t that many options for XX-Hulk, and secondly, I happen to like it.”

“Why doesn’t that not surprise me?” Chris quips.

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“It means you’re the only fucking idiot who arrived at Spartan looking like he was showing up to a GQ photoshoot.”

“There’s never an excuse for not looking your best. There’s always an option to refuse, you know.”

Chris raises his hands, letting them fall to his sides. “That’s what I fuckin’ did. Forty-five minutes ago.”

I’ve been so distracted by the arguing that it only hits me now what’s was going on. “Are these fitness clothes for my class tonight?”

Chris looks at me. “Yeah, I thought I’d get it over and done with.”

“You mean you’re going to go through with it?”

“Of course. I keep my word. You know that.”

I run over and launch myself into Chris’s arms. He lifts me with ease and places me down gently on the pile of polyester Tyler brought over.

“Jeremy, Mary, and Joseph,” Tyler blows out a breath. “You guys need to get some help.”

I kiss Chris, letting him know how much it means to me that he would humiliate himself in my class just for me.

“I’m out. I’ll see you at class later,” Tyler grumbles.

Chris backs off me, and I stand up. “You’re coming tonight? I thought you had plans with Skyla and Jensen?”

“I did, but I’m not missing out on seeing this guy in leggings.”


Eventually, Chris decided on black leggings with a gray stripe down the side and a white cutoff shirt that displayed his incredible pecs in a way that had me drooling. It was the least “out there” outfit Tyler had brought, but out of all of them, it showed off Chris’s torso beautifully with the low sides. I have an idea Tyler chose the outrageous colors to force Chris to choose this one, and I can’t say I blame him. I’ll just have to thank him later.

We arrive at class, and the more people file in for tonight’s session, the more uncomfortable Chris is getting. I’d love to say I was a nice person and took mercy on him, but that would be an outright lie. I just couldn’t pass up the opportunity of seeing Chris out of his comfort zone and looking so delicious.

While I understood his hesitance about the leggings—the guy just really wasn’t a leggings guy—I really had to appreciate the way his muscular legs popped, with the fitted material outlining every glorious muscle. As for the crotch area, let’s just say that every time he moved, it gave a glimpse of what was usually only mine to see. And the shirt was just perfect. Whenever Chris moved his arms, I’d get a peek of his beautiful abs, and it made me itch to rip the shirt right off him. The only reason I didn’t is that we all know anticipation is such a glorious delight.

The ladies in my class appreciated this evening’s little show-and-tell, too, because whenever I looked at them through the wall-to-wall mirror, each one was outright ogling Chris. I should feel bad about objectifying him this way, but I’ll let karma deal with me later. It’s gonna be so worth it, regardless.

I fish out my phone from the pocket of my leggings to snap a pic and look at the class. There’s a great crowd. About twenty-five people have shown up tonight, many showing up because friends told them Chris would be here. If Chris being in leggings is gonna result in this turnout, you better believe I’ll be finding more ways to win bets with him.