Page 66 of Collateral Damage

I walk out of the room. Every step feels like lead. Skyla stands when she sees me and takes a hesitant step toward me.

“Are you okay? What happened?”

“Did you know about this? Did you know about the pregnancy?”

Skyla shoots Jensen a look, then turns back to me. I can see on her face that she did. “And you?” I glare at Jensen. “Did you know?”

“Uh, yeah, I did.”

“I see.”

I walk to the wall, grinding my teeth, my hands shoved deep into my pockets, willing myself not to punch a hole in something. Jensen comes up and puts his hand on my shoulder. I react before I think. Grabbing him, I spin him around, pressing him against the wall. I pull back my arm and land a punch to his nose. Blood spurts from his nose, and his hands fly to his face. “What the fuck?”

Skyla races over and gets between us, arms on each of our chests to keep us apart. “Tank don’t! It isn’t his fault.” I look at her, the breaths squeezing out of my lungs, heaving.

“What do you mean?”

“I asked him to keep it a secret.”

“Really?” I glare at Skyla. “As if secrets haven’t fucked up your own life now you want to go fuck up mine?”

She takes a step back, pain clear in her eyes. I feel like shit, but I’m angry, so fucking pissed I want to lash out at someone, anyone.

“The fuck did you just say to her?” Jensen stalks over to me, his fists crimson as blood still tracks down his face. I’m surprised security hasn’t come rushing in yet with all the fuss we’re making.

Ignoring Jensen, I point my finger at Skyla. “You had no right to keep that from me. It was my baby.”

She takes a step forward. “Tank, I know, but Jess wanted to tell you herself, and…”

“And why didn’t you tell me?” My jaw ticks as I turn my ire on Jensen.

“Because she asked me not to.”

I pace up and down the corridor. I look from Skyla to Jensen, Skyla holding the bridge of Jensen’s nose to try to stem the blood. I march over to the tissue dispenser in the corner and grab a handful, handing them to Jensen.

I sink down into the nearest chair, defeated. All the fight is drained from me. “You don’t think secrets have fucked up your life enough? You two, of all people, should know how much damage keeping a secret can do. I had a right to know.”

Skyla walks over and gives me a hug. I can see Jensen on high alert, ready to pounce if he needs to, but I’d never do anything to Skyla. I love her too much. I care about her too much. Besides, I’m not that guy. Fuck, he should know that.

Her arms tighten around me. Mine stay limp at my sides, and tears leak from my eyes, tracking down my face. I wrap my arms around her, pulling her into me, sobbing into her hair.

She squeezes tighter. “I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry.”

I just crush her to me. I have no words, and even if I did, I couldn’t get them out right now.

She pulls back, her hands on my shoulders now. “How’s Jess? Did you guys work things out?”

I wipe my tears. “No, it’s over. She’s right. I don't let her in my life, and she deserves better than that.”

“She’s just emotional right now. Things will be better in the morning.”

I shake my head. “I can’t give her what she needs. I won’t keep disappointing her. She’s had enough of that in her past.” I see Jensen over Skyla’s shoulder. His face is serious, and I know he understands what I mean. Seeing what we’ve seen puts up barbed wire fences around our hearts. What he and Skyla went through together helped him to break out of his chains and allow him to open up. It’s not like that for me.

I take a step back and shove my hands in my pockets. “Look out for her for me?”

Skyla’s eyes fill with tears. “Of course.”

“J, can you do me a favor?”