Page 31 of Collateral Damage

Chris grabs his rope, steps on the end dragging on the ground, and starts pulling. I copy him, going all the way down on my haunches before moving my hands up the rope and tugging on it.

Chris smiles over at me. “While you’re down there, you wouldn’t want to do me a favor, would you?”

I swear to God, my face must show my complete and utter shock. Cheeky ass!

Chris bursts out laughing at his joke, and Jensen and Skyla join in. “Damn, if I wasn’t here, I would never have believed that would come out of Chris’s mouth.”

I’m not gonna lie; I was just as surprised. Chris usually keeps that kind of talk private. “You”—I tug on the rope—“would be surprised at what dirty things come out of his mouth.”

The minute I say the words, I realize what I just said, and the tips of my ears start burning. Super shit! Why the hell did I have to open my yap?

Chris bursts out laughing and loses his hold on his weight, which is nearly all the way to the top, and it falls to the ground, sending up a plume of dust.

“Yes!” Skyla exclaims and starts clapping. “Go, Jess. Go. Go. Go!”

I forget my embarrassment and keep tugging on the rope, determined more than ever to beat Chris.

After I get in my groove, the weighted bag starts rising, and I’m spurred on by Skyla’s support. I raise it to the top and shout out a resounding whoop, even though I’m really starting to feel the effects of the night before.

“Keep going!” Skyla shouts, and I sprint toward the mud crawl.

“Your turn, baby,” Jensen says.

“Forget that. Cheering my girl on is way better than spiting you.”

Jensen chuckles. “So I’m forgiven then?”

“Oh, I didn’t say that. Give me an hour-long uninterrupted soak in the tub tonight, and we’ll talk.”

The rest of Skyla and Jensen’s banter fades into the background as I prepare to crawl under the wire.

“Stay low, crawl fast,” Chris says as he kneels down and gets in position. I realize I lost what slight advantage I had.

He starts crawling, and damn, it’s like he’s a snake or something, the way he wiggles through the mud like it’s his job.

Okay, so it is part of his job, but he doesn’t even look like he’s really getting dirty. I, on the other hand, feel like I have mud everywhere, and I mean everywhere. I’m almost certain my tennis shoes are kicking it up, and somehow, it’s seeping through my leggings and settling in my ass crack. Holy freaking ball busters, I feel like the mud is trying to swallow me whole.

Chris crawls out before me. Way before me, as I’m only halfway through. He bends down and claps his hands. “C’mon, angel, you’ve got this. You can do this, beautiful. Fuck, you’re so fucking sexy in that mud.”

“Is that the kinda dirty you were talking about?” Skyla asks with a grin.

I look up at her from where I’m sprawled out on a giant pile of gloop. “Haha, very funny.”

Everyone chuckles, and Chris extends his hand to me. I want to be a brat and slap it away, not wanting to give him any excuse to claim he helped me, but he’s looking at me with so much pride right now that I just can’t help myself.

“I’ve… got… this,” I pant.

“Yeah, you do.” Chris grins.

Eventually, I pass the last cinderblock holding the barbed wire in place and slide out the last tiny bit. Chris grabs me and pulls me in for a ferocious kiss. Through his cargos, I can feel he’s hard.

“Watching my pain and suffering turns you on, huh?”

“No, angel. Watching you fucking kick ass does.”

I turn into mush the same consistency as the gloopy mud and press my lips against his again. “Hold that thought for later. If I’m not dead by then.”

I make it through the rest of the course, but just barely. When I have to throw a sixty-pound medicine ball, it literally feels like my insides are falling out my asshole like my brain was earlier, and I’m struggling to keep from puking.