Page 30 of Collateral Damage

Holy shit, I’m never going to be able to do this. I have ropes in the gym for my advanced classes, and it’s never really been an issue getting to the ceiling, but we usually start with that. It doesn’t come smack bang in the middle of the course. Also, I’m usually fresh and ready to go, not suffering the ill effects of my bad life choices.

I shake out my arms, and Skyla comes to stand next to me.

“I think if Jensen gives me that smug smile one more time, I’m going to smother him in his sleep. Jess, if it kills us, we have to do this.”

“I’m already half dead, Sky.”

“Just think about how fun it’s going to be to see Chris in leggings. That’s legit what’s keeping me going, and I’m not even in on the bet.”

“Ladies first.” Jensen steps up and wraps his arms around Skyla.

She looks over her shoulder at him. “This isn’t just so you guys can stare at our butts, is it?”

“For fuckin’ sure it is,” Jensen states.

“Say what now?” Chris asks, tilting his head.

“Skyla’s ass, you ass. There’s plenty for me to look at. I don’t need your girl’s ass.”

“Are you trying to say my ass is big?” Skyla asks.

“Fuck me,” Jensen groans.

“If I were you, I’d quit while you’re ahead,” Chris says.

Jensen pulls Skyla in for another hug and squeezes her ass. “Baby, there is absolutely nothing wrong with your ass. In fact, there are a few things I’d love to try with this ass.”

“Ah, I get the point,” Skyla says while holding a finger to Jensen’s mouth.

“No time for lollygagging, ladies and gents.” Grant’s voice carries across the field. Well, technically, we are breaking the rules. “Ok, you’re up, ladies.”

I shake out my hands and tilt my head from side to side, listening to the bones pop and release the tension. I’ve got this. I have to have this.

“After three?” Skyla looks at me.

“Uh uh, we’re doing this on one.” Maybe, just maybe, if I fake it enough, the universe will get on board.

Jensen whistles and smirks at Chris.

“Get ready to have that sweet little derriere on display.”

“Let’s go,” Skyla says, and we jump up, grabbing the rope with our hands and climbing toward the top. I’m almost to the bell when it literally feels like my brain is falling out my ass.

“Oh, fuck!”

“Don’t you dare give up, Jess. You and me completing this course is literally going to be the deciding factor between murder and just plain assault.”

“Why… did we have so many… shots?”

“Because we don’t make good life choices.”

I reach up and ring my bell, followed by Skyla’s. The sound reverberating in my brain a big fat affirmative.

We split up in couple teams after the rope and race toward the Hercules Hoist, as the wise-ass instructor called it. I know Chris is just gonna whoop my ass at this one despite the fact that the men’s hoist is ninety pounds and women’s is seventy. He has way more upper body strength than I do. Ty and Jared are at the course next to us, and I quickly shoot a glance over to see if they can give me any tips.

No dice. Both guys look like they are having an absolute blast, but they are both cheating their asses off. Tyler takes the rope and runs backward, causing his weight to start ascending, and Jared does the same. Tyler’s reaches the top like one of those games at the carnival when the ball hits the bell, and he sprints off to the barbed mud crawl.

Damn, I am not looking forward to that. It’s not that I’m squeamish; I love a mud bath as much as Ty does, but it looks damn hard. I’m sure I’m going to snag my shirt on the barbed wire, and crawling on a tender stomach does not seem like my idea of a good way to keep my stomach contents in place.