Page 43 of Ain't No Sunshine

“Done! I’ll choose first.” I clap with excitement.

Nate eyes me suspiciously before looking back at the road.

“‘Shut up’ Black Eyed Peas,” I announce, grabbing Nate’s phone to set it up as he groans beside me.

“Okay, but I’m singing Fergie’s lines,” he states plainly, with no room for negotiation.

“Deal.” I smile. I love the hip hop lines, anyway.

We battle it out for a few songs until an idea comes to mind. I find the song I’m looking for and hit play, watching as Nate’s eyes light up when the music begins.

“Is this a battle?” he asks, the smallest of smirks on his lips. Yeah, no. I’m not that stupid. I’m not going to battle against him with his go-to song.

“Nope, this one’s all you.” I smile as Nate’s voice fills the car. Holy shit! If I wasn’t already head over heels for this guy, listening to him sing ‘Ain’t No Sunshine’ would definitely get me there.

We pull up at large electric gates just as the song is fading out. My eyes widen as I take in the house, no, the manor, the gates are trying to protect. I’m so out of my league here.

Nate grabs my hand as the metal structure opens, and I squeeze it, hoping to soak up some of his positive energy to replace my negative thoughts.

My already erratic heartbeat almost leaps out of my chest when we’re greeted at the door by a man in a stiff suit. Closing my eyes, I take a deep breath and will myself to get through this. I can do it. I can do it.

The house is quiet when we arrive, so Nate takes me straight up to his room to drop our bags. The second I’m inside, he pushes me against the closed door and crashes his lips to mine. I relax at the feel of his mouth molding with mine and open up to deepen the kiss before wrapping my arms around his neck.

“I’m doing this now because I need to feel you before we get stuck with my family for the next however many hours,” Nate says, mumbling against my lips.

“I’m not complaining,” I rasp, as he kisses his way down my neck. God, I need this.

“Dinner will be served in fifteen minutes,” a voice booms from somewhere in the room.

My heart stills as I jump in fright, pushing Nate off me before straightening my dress. What the hell? My eyes scan the room for an intruder but come up empty.

A small chuckle sounds beside me, and I shoot a glare Nate’s way. “It’s an intercom, Little Bit,” he says like it’s no big deal. “No need to get your panties in a twist. Although that’s something I could help you with.” He reaches under my dress, but I slap his hand away.

“No way. I can’t be sure that no one’s watching us. Who has an intercom in their bedroom?”

“I do. And we will not be abstaining for the two days we’re here. No chance. So, if it’s not now, then get ready for me to make you so worked up during dinner that you’re practically begging me to drag you into a bathroom to have my way with you.”

I snort out a laugh but still choose option B. The moment has definitely passed for me right now. Plus, you heard the man. We only have fifteen minutes!

When we enter the dining room, fourteen and a half minutes later, Nate freezes on the threshold, causing me to bump into him. “Geez, Nate, what–”

I stop right along with him when I see what caused it. Sitting next to Nate’s sister, Emily, across from our two empty seats is Liv. She’s deep in conversation with a woman I’m guessing is Nate’s mother and hasn’t even bothered to look up at our entrance. Emily, however, hasn’t missed a thing. Her wide eyes lock on mine as she takes in what’s sure to be a very awkward situation.

“Nate, Cory, welcome. Don’t just stand there; come take a seat.” A man who looks like an older version of Nate signals to the empty seats.

“Hi, Dad; it’s good to see you,” Nate says, finally making his way into the room.

He introduces me around, and it’s only when we get to his mother that she stops talking and notices my presence. “Cory, it’s so lovely of you to join us. Nate’s told me nothing about you, so I look forward to getting to know everything.” What?

I swallow a lump in my throat as my eyes shoot to Nate’s. I feel sick. Nate shakes his head slightly as his grandfather interrupts my downward spiral. “Maybe you need to ask more questions, Sophie. I happen to know more about Cory than I know about Nate.” He smiles warmly, and I melt before mouthing a quick thank you.

Turns out I wasn’t wrong about the lunch being awkward. Nate’s clearly pissed off with his mom but keeping tight-lipped. Emily is trying her best to include me in conversation, but getting railroaded by her mother into other conversations, and Liv has a smug look every time our eyes meet. What the hell is that about?

As soon as we’ve finished the main meal, I excuse myself to use one of the ten bathrooms for a much needed reprieve. I’m just about to head back when the door rattles. “Won’t be a moment,” I say politely, instead of what I really want to say… find another bathroom and eff off.

The rattling starts again, so I straighten my dress before stepping outside. Liv is leaning against the opposite wall. She’s dressed to the nines in a tight, fitted dress, sky high stiletto heels, and heavy make-up. Compared to my winter dress and boots, she’s a knockout. I smile politely, having nothing to say to her, and then walk away.

“Wait!” she calls, and I flinch before turning around. “I wanted to apologize for being here.” Okay, maybe I’ve read her all wrong. “Sophie and Nathan insisted I attend, you know, as part of the family.” Maybe not. I cringe but maintain a smile, refusing to let her get to me.