Page 41 of Ain't No Sunshine

I run to her side, wrapping my arms around her, but she pushes me away. “You’re late because of her, aren’t you?” She shoves me in the chest before covering her face with her hands. I stumble back, hitting the counter behind me and knocking something over.

Ignoring Cory’s obvious desire to be away from me, I reach out and pull her into another hug, gripping her tightly. “I’m sorry. We need to talk about what has you so upset, but for now, it’s sorted. I promise.”

The front door opens at that moment, and the others file inside. It’s only then that I notice water from an overturned pitcher spilling onto the floor.

No one asks us any questions throughout lunch, but I’m not naïve enough to believe they haven’t figured out that something’s going on. We try to act ourselves, but I can’t be my usual happy self when I know Cory’s hurting.

“So, Nate… Did you really win a karaoke championship as a kid?” Joel asks, causing Summer to choke on her drink.

All eyes flash to me, except for Dylan’s. His are darting around the room in avoidance. This guy cannot keep his trap shut. First my Ferris Wheel phobia, and now this.

“I did,” I say proudly, owning my achievements, even if they’re embarrassing. “I sang ‘Ain’t No Sunshine’. It’s my go-to.”

“You’re kidding me?” Cory asks, a look of complete surprise on her face.

“Should I be offended by that reaction?” I joke, causing everyone to laugh, including Cory.

“No, it’s just. That song came on when we were in your truck once, and I had the strongest visual of you singing along.”

Now, it’s my turn to be surprised. I don’t remember that happening. I always sing along when that song plays.

“I usually sing a different song every time I wind up at karaoke, but if I had to choose, my go-to song would be ‘Do ya think I’m sexy’ by Rod Stewart,” Joel says, bouncing his eyebrows.

Summer whacks him in the chest. “It would not. I bet it would be something like… ‘Kryptonite’ by Three Doors Down.”

“Ooh Three Doors Down, good one,” Joel says. His eyes flash with something I can’t read before he’s back to his joking self. “I bet I’d even out-sing Nate with that number.”

I scoff, and everyone laughs.

After we’ve all guessed each other’s go-to songs, we clear up the table and the boys decide to call it a day. Cory and I wash the dishes in silence as Summer walks them out.

“I’ve got some studying to do,” she announces when she walks back inside. “I’ll see you kids later.”

I don’t miss the pointed look she gives me as she heads to her room. Cory doesn’t look up from her cleaning task, but I can tell that she understands Summer is purposely leaving us alone.

I take the dish from Cory’s hand, then pull her into another hug. Don’t worry, Summer. I’ll fix this. I have to.