Page 34 of Ain't No Sunshine

Chapter Thirteen


I’msignificantlybuzzed,Nate’s borderline drunk, and it’s only nine pm. We’ve barely said two words to each other all night between him playing pretend with Liv and me being coupled up with Shane.

If I didn’t love Nate as much as I do, I would have left the second it got awkward, but I can’t. After all, I’m part of the reason we’re in this mess to begin with. Doesn’t mean I’m fine with everything that’s happening, though. In fact, it’s quite the opposite.

“If you shoot any more daggers with your eyes, she’s going to keel over,” Shane says as he whirls me around the dance floor. “You have nothing to worry about. Whenever Emily’s out of sight, it’s easy to see that it’s all an act.”

I smile, even though he’s wrong. Very wrong. Nate might be playing a part, but Liv? No, she’s definitely not acting. If only my beautiful, naïve pain in the ass, Nate wasn’t oblivious to it all. She’s lucky I haven’t walked over and slapped her for the crap she’s pulling tonight. She may have the guys fooled, but, call it female intuition if you will, I’m telling you, she wants Nate back.

I look over to Nate, again, as Shane pulls me off the dance floor. I should be thankful that I can no longer see Liv’s hands wrapped around Nate’s neck, or her eyes staring up into his, but I’m not. I wish I knew how long I had to keep up this charade, because I’m almost at my limit.

Shane’s been trying to help. He’s been the doting date all night, much to Nate’s annoyance. It’s easy to see why he and Nate are friends. He’s a great guy, he’s fun and easygoing, and he can dance… He’s a catch, but he’s not Nate.

Lost in thought, I’m no longer paying attention to my surroundings, so it takes a moment to realize the room has gone quiet. Shane looks at me apologetically and cringes before steering me across the room. I open my mouth to speak but close it again when his soft smile morphs into a mischievous one.

I turn in time to see Nate’s eyes widen and quickly bounce around the room. “Look after Cory for me while I jump up on stage for speeches,” Shane says to Nate and Liv before walking away. It’s obvious that while he’s genuinely trying to help us in the situation, he’s also enjoying making Nate jealous and uncomfortable. A little too much. I can’t help but wonder if the show he’s putting on is for someone else watching on.

I stand awkwardly next to Nate and Liv, trying to appear unaffected by this insane situation. Blinking a few times, I try to focus on the words, but nothing sinks in. I even wonder why Nate isn’t doing a speech but can’t bring myself to ask in case I somehow give us away.

I’m seconds away from taking another bathroom break, just to get away, when I hear Liv announce she’s doing the same. As soon as she’s gone, a warmth passes across my cheek, causing me to shiver. “I need to touch you,” Nate whispers in my ear as we both continue looking toward the stage. He lightly brushes his hand against mine, causing me to inhale sharply.

My heart pounds in my chest as I try not to show a reaction, but the feel of him so close is twisting me up in knots. Damn him and the effect he has on me. I sigh and subtly lean my head back so I can whisper my reply. “You got us into this mess,” I say, hoping he doesn’t call me out on the fact that’s not true. “There’s nothing we can do about it now. It’s only one more night, and—”

“Let’s go home. Right now,” he says, pulling on my hand. “Then the night’s over. I don’t care about Liv or my sister. I’m done.”

Keeping my eyes on the stage, I shake my head, despite loving that idea. “We can’t leave, Nate. You know that. Now, be quiet.” Leaving together right now would draw the wrong attention. Especially with his sister standing a few feet away.

Nate does as I asked, even letting go of my hand, but he doesn’t move away. The occasional touch of his skin lights me on fire, and I inwardly curse myself for suggesting all this. One more night. That’s if Liv’s actually being honest and doesn’t try to extend it. Eh! I shouldn’t think like that. Maybe I have it all wrong.

Liv returns and stands as close to Nate as physically possible. I want to stay calm, but I see red. Despite not being introduced, she knows who I am. She should be thanking me, not rubbing it in my face.

When the speeches are finally over, thank God, Shane joins us again and wraps his arms around my waist, smirking at Nate. This time, I’m not even mad about it, because Nate wasn’t signaling for Liv to back off at all, either. See how that feels, Nate.

“Thanks for keeping my girl company,” Shane says as his eyes flash to somewhere over my shoulder. “Now it’s time to dance.” Oh, yeah, he’s definitely doing this to send a message to someone else. He’s too involved for it to just be about teasing his best friend.

Nate tries hard to keep his cool, but I can see him fuming at Shane’s hands around me. Shit! This is about to get messy. “Maybe we should—” I start, but Nate interrupts me.

“Do you mind if I dance with your woman? I’m sure Liv would love to catch up with you,” he asks Shane with a fake smile. Huh? I’m no object. Ask me! Right now, I actually think I’d say no.

Shane laughs before turning to Liv. “Are you okay with that, Liv? Your man and my girl?” I cringe at his words and glare in his direction. “Too far?” he asks with an apologetic smile, turning to Nate without waiting for Liv’s answer. “I’ll give you one dance, Edwards, and then she’s mine. Come on, Liv; let’s catch up.”

Nate wastes no time pulling me onto the packed dance floor as ‘Ocean Drive’ by Duke Dumont blasts through the speakers. I can’t help but relate some lyrics to our situation. How did we get here?

We sway awkwardly to start, conscious of eyes that could be watching. But when more bodies join us, we’re swallowed up by the crowd and no longer in view of anyone standing around. Nate grips my hips, pulling me closer, until there’s no space between us. His hands run up and down my body, stopping dangerously close to the hemline of my skirt.

My breath catches when one of his hands makes its way up the back of my thigh, moving toward my ass. I spin around until my back rests against his chest, stopping him from getting where he wants. He groans in response, sending a shiver right through me.

“You can get through the rest of the night. After all, you have Liv if you need attention,” I clip, but then cringe at my own words.

Nate growls at me, and when I look over his shoulder, his eyes are full of anger. “I can’t wait, Cory. Fuck! You’re irresistible, you’re making my heart beat out of my chest, you smell delicious, and—”

“You’re drunk,” I finish for him.

He leans in to whisper in my ear, brushing his lips across my skin before he speaks. “Seeing him touch you, when I can’t, is killing me. Don’t make me do something I’ll regret.”

My head snaps back as I look at him in question. He smirks and pulls his lip into his mouth before continuing, “First, I’m going to kick his ass. Then I’m going to take you right here on the dance floor.”