Page 29 of Ain't No Sunshine

Chapter Eleven


“Thisissilly.Why did I agree to this?” Cory complains as she ties her makeshift blindfold. I wave my hand in her face, finding no reaction, and then secure my own. God, this feels weird. I’m actually wondering why I suggested it myself. No, I suggested it to give us a chance to talk, really talk, and listen. No distractions.

Before Summer called, we were finding our way back into our groove, but it wasn’t enough. We never really ventured outside of the easy everyday topics, and I had a feeling that Cory was about to call it a night. I wanted the chance to talk without fear. Without seeing the other person as we bear our souls.

Our conversation starts off back on the safer topics before finally moving into deeper territory. We’ve been talking for a while when Cory asks something that’s obviously been on her mind.

“Why did you and Liv break up?”

I don’t answer right away, taking time to think about how best to approach this. My face scrunches, and I grip my shoulder. “Ah…” I pause before deciding to throw it all out there.

“We started drifting from the moment I jumped in my box-filled truck and headed for college. She never wanted to go to college and couldn’t understand why I’d move away when there was one close to home. She knew I had the scholarship, she got that, but considering my family has money, and I don’t want a career in the NFL, I think she took it to mean I was moving away on purpose. Which isn’t exactly true, but it’s also not wrong.

“I had to get out of that town. People only ever saw me as the son of Nathan James Edwards, the senator, and always expected me to get into politics. Don’t get me wrong, I love my family, and my dad’s great at what he does, but it’s not for me. I’m content with getting my teaching degree and molding the minds of the future generations. Actually, that’s not fair. I’m not content. I’m excited.”

Cory laughs at that. She’s heard me talk about teaching many times before.

“Anyway, I left on purpose, but it wasn’t to get away from Liv. In the early days, I flew home a lot to see her, but then things got busy, and I’d find that when I went home, my mind remained here, on the new life I was building. Liv started hanging out with new people and called less and less until we eventually decided we’d be better off as friends.”

“You both decided?” Cory says as she shifts in her seat.

Now’s the moment. I can tell her the truth. Or lie by omission. Since I want this girl in my life forever, I decide on the truth. “Yes, it was mutual… in the beginning. But six months into our breakup, she said she wanted me back. At that point, I already had my eye on someone else. Someone I couldn’t get out of my head. Someone I still can’t get out of my head.”

Cory takes in a sharp breath, but is otherwise silent. “I first saw you when you were walking around campus with Summer and an older couple, who I now know are your mom and dad. I’m guessing you were checking out the campus or getting your bearings. You looked so excited with your map and notebook. Something about you just struck me, and I was desperate to see you again.

“I didn’t know if you’d actually enrolled, but when classes started the next semester, I looked for you. A lot. I looked until I’d convinced myself you weren’t here. And then… well, you know this part. An adorable little freshman showed up in my public speaking class, and the rest is history.”

“Wow! Okay. So you tried to stalk me?” I can hear the smile in her voice, and it brings a smirk to my lips.

“I tried, but since I never found you, I obviously wasn’t good at it.”

I hope Cory concentrates on the positive of that story and not the fact that, one, Liv wanted me back, and two, that I liked her for so long and never approached her. The reason for the latter is still something I’m trying to deal with.

Cory shifts, causing the arm of the couch to creak. “And… You don’t think Liv still wants you now?” Shit!

“No, I don’t. She was pretty forward about it last time. This is different.” I honestly don’t think that’s why Liv’s doing it, it’s not like we’re spending any time together during this lie.

“Or she’s changed tact.” Cory mumbles, and I flinch. Is she worried?

“I don’t—”

“Never mind, enough about her.”

I frown. She’s so far away and I want to reassure her… Even though I can’t touch her, I still want her close. Especially now

“Are you going to sit that far away all night? I’m not allowed to touch you, so you have nothing to worry about,” I coax, hoping she shuffles closer.

“How about we play a game?” she says, changing the subject. “A question game, like we’ve played before, but different. Every time you get a correct answer, you can move closer to me.” Her voice is full of sass now. Like she’s completely moved on, though I know she hasn’t. I welcome the change of topic.

“Done! What’s the game?”

“We each ask a question about ourselves. If you answer correctly, you can move closer. If I answer correctly, I’ll move away.” What!? Cory laughs as though she can sense my puzzled expression. “Every game needs to be challenging,” she says and shuffles in her seat. I’m imagining her moving to sit on her knees, knowing it’s her go-to position when she’s interested in something.

“Okay, I’ll start,” I say, trying to think of something she’ll never be able to answer. “How many touchdowns have I made in my college football career?”

“Come on,” she laughs. “You need to try harder than that… three.”