Page 18 of Ain't No Sunshine

Chapter Seven


“Doyouhaveto be so happy all the time?” Summer asks from her relaxed position where she’s reading on the couch. She’s lying down with her head on the armrest and her legs up on the back of the two-seater. I laugh when she peers up at me over the top of her book with a small smirk.We’ve finally been spending more time together and everything feels whole again.

She’s right. I am happy. All. The. Time. And why wouldn’t I be? Classes are good. The weather is beautiful. I’m surrounded by wonderful friends and family. Oh, and… I have Nate. My beautiful, caring, sexy, passionate boyfriend, Nate. I guess there’s that, too. I’ve been floating on cloud nine since the day of the carnival and often replay the moment he said I love you over and over in my mind.

Summer shakes her head at me as if reading my thoughts, and I poke my tongue out in response. “What?” I ask. “You could be happy, too, you know.”

She narrows her eyes at me as her smile drops. Ugh, I wish she wasn’t so closed off when it comes to love. It kills me that she has this great guy standing right in front of her, but she’s oblivious. No, that’s not true; she flat out ignores his feelings towards her. And any she has for him, for that matter.

“Enough,” she says. “I can see your mind working, and I don’t want to hear it.” She smirks again, but this one doesn’t have the same sass to it. “What time are you heading to Nate’s? He’s got his first game tomorrow, right?” Now, it’s my turn to smirk because while she won’t ever admit it, that right there is more proof that she’s definitely hung up on a certain football player. Why else would she know the schedule?

“It’s on the calendar,” she says, as if reading my thoughts again, the tone of her voice telling me she’s mentally rolling her eyes.

I laugh as a knock on the door interrupts my chance at saying anything back. Speaking of football players… There’s my man. I bounce over to the door just to mess with Summer and laugh when she rolls her eyes for real this time.

When I throw back the door, Nate’s standing in the hall, looking a little disheveled. His eyes are slightly bloodshot, like he’s been rubbing them, or not sleeping, and his usual warm smile has been replaced with a fake one.

“Nate? Is everything okay?” Stupid question, because clearly it’s not, but it’s out there, so I let it hang in the air.

He squeezes his eyes shut before opening them again, breaking out of his trance. “Are you ready to go?” Okay, ignore the question.

“Yes, of course. Let’s go.”

I step into the kitchen to grab my bag, noticing Summer’s eyes on mine. She raises an eyebrow in question when I look her way. I wish I knew, Summer, but I don’t. I shrug my shoulders and walk away, not wanting to analyze her concerned expression.

The drive to Nate’s is quiet except for the soft tones of the radio. ‘Ain’t No Sunshine’ by Bill Withers plays through the speakers, pulling me from my thoughts. It’s the type of song that Nate would normally sing along to, but right now, he’s dead silent, and that’s not a good sign. What the hell is going on?

When we arrive, Nate heads straight to his room, and I follow. He holds the door open for me as I enter and then closes it behind himself. A heavy lump forms in my chest. He’s breaking up with me. I don’t know why, and I’m completely blindsided, but he’s definitely breaking up with me.

“I don’t want to break up,” I blurt, dropping onto the bed with my eyes directed at the floor.

“Shit, Cory. God. Fuck. That’s not…” Nate sits down beside me and wraps his arms around my body. “I definitely don’t want to break up.” But… I feel a but. “Please, hear me out before you say anything.”

So much worse than a but.

I look up into his eyes, and all I see is apprehension staring back at me. What is going on? My heart rate spikes, and I bite my cheek to keep my emotions at bay. He looks away as he speaks. “My family’s here for my first game. My parents and my sister.”

“Nate that’s—”

“They’ve asked for my allocated seats,” he says, cutting me off. My shoulders sag in relief at his words. Is that all he’s worried about? I don’t mind sitting with them. Or somewhere else. God, why would—

“My ex came with them.”


Nate’s eyes focus on the floor while his hands clench into fists on his knees, bouncing nervously. He takes a deep breath and looks up at me with an expression I can’t quite decipher. “I promise you I didn’t invite her. I didn’t invite any of them. They came to surprise me, and she came, too.”

He’s clearly anxious about this for a reason that I’m not seeing. He told me there was nothing to worry about when it came to her, so I don’t understand. “I believe you, but I need to know… Why are you so worked up about it?”

Nate looks away guiltily and squeezes his eyes shut. When he opens them again, they shine with apology. “I need you to know this changes nothing between us.”

I’m taken aback by his words, feeling myself pulling away from him. “Then why are you so worried?” I ask nervously. Whatever he’sabout to say can’t be good.

“Because, while I had nothing to do with it, I’m not sure how you’re going to take what I’m about to say and I can’t lose you,” he stresses, his eyes boring into me earnestly.

“Cory, I love you more than I ever thought I could love someone else. You’re the girl I’m going to marry. Have kids with. I know that. I’ve known that for a while.”