Cody kissed me again,standing in front of the door to the house I rented. I was pretty certain that Maggie was peeping on us from one of the upstairs windows, but I couldn’t seem to stop kissing him. So, here was the thing, I hadn’t been with anyone since that night at the quarry with Cody. First, I was caught up thinking of him, then I was pregnant, and then I was a single mom. And yes, I had Maggie and could probably make the time to go out, but I just couldn’t see myself leaving Flynn to go hunting for a strange man to get busy with. And no, Lexi the vagina wasn’t all that pleased with me, but I bought her toys, very nice ones if I do say so myself, and it wasn’t like she could get laid without me.

Anyway, it was possible that I didn’t have a lot of control over the kisses because they were the first drop of water after a three-and-a-half-year drought. But also, they were mighty good kisses, manna from heaven kisses. Strong, coaxing, gentle, sweltering kisses that had me pressing my thighs together. Fuck, if Cody wasn’t just as delicious as I remembered and he was fun and sensitive. Ugh, I liked him, like not just friendly friends liking. This was I-want-to-jump-his-bones-and-have-more-of-his-babies like him. It was a fucking nightmare.

But also, the kissing. The kissing was soooooooo good. He pushed hard against me and my back crashed into the door.

“Fuck, James,” Cody groaned, nipping at my lip, then the nape of my neck. “I wanna fuck you so bad. At the very least, I wanna run my hand up your thigh and feel how wet your pussy is for me right now. Can I? Can I make you come on the doorstep like a goddamn teenager in heat?”

Frustrated, I dropped my head back against the door. “I wanna say yes so badly,” I huffed.

He dropped his head to my shoulder and sighed, frustrated but kind. “That’s a no.”

“Shit, I’m sorry.”

“Nope,” he said before biting down on the flesh next to my black tank top, grunting, and pushing his cock against my hip. He released his teeth. “Nope, you’re being responsible and I’m being an ass.”

“A hot as fuck piece of ass,” I teased but he wasn’t laughing.

“I like you,” he said. “I liked you three years ago. I’ve thought about that night a lot and…” He trailed off, took a step back, and ran a hand through his hair.

I waited, totally terrified but also enthralled.

“I don’t know. Can I just see you while you’re here? Can we spend some time together?” He pushed out a nervous breath and finished. “What I’m trying to say is that I feel like maybe this thing between us isn’t only about sex.”

Not exactly a declaration of love, but I’d take it.

I smiled. “It’s pretty sexy though.”

One corner of his mouth lifted in a half-smile. “Are you ever serious?”

I took his hand and lifted it to my lips, kissing the back of it like I was a duke and he was the young woman whose affections I desired. He let me. I looked at his hand, then ran my fingertips over his knuckles when I said, “Trust me, I thought about you too. I still do.”

He stayed quiet. So I looked up and in the unfamiliar yellow glow of the porch light, I found him grinning like the Cheshire cat. Giddy, he bent over and kissed my cheek. Then he backed up, and still facing me, started to descend the stairs.

“Don’t trip and kill yourself,” I warned.

“Oh no. I’m good. I’m just soaking in every second of you.”

I rolled my eyes at his syrupy sweetness.

When he got to the bottom of the steps, he said, “I’m gonna see you tomorrow, James Hildebrand.”

I smiled and nodded.

“And the next day too.” He pointed at me. “You’re mine for a few days.”

I swallowed. I wanted to be his forever.

“Don’t look so scared.” He winked. “This is gonna be fun.”

I couldn’t help myself. I ran down the stairs because, soon, he was gonna be so mad at me, and I just wanted this moment when he thought maybe we were falling in love to last forever. I leaped into his arms, kissed him hard, and was gone, standing back on the porch again as quickly as I arrived.

“Did you just see a drive-by kissing?” he asked.

I bit my lip. “Go home before Maggie falls out the window.”

He walked to the door of his truck. “Good night, James.”

“Good night, whoosher.”

He laughed.

As he climbed into the truck, he called out, “Good night, Maggie.”

Shameless, she popped open the window and whisper-yelled, “Night, Cody.”

He laughed again as he shut the truck door.

I leaned back against the door and watched his taillights as he drove off, feeling like my chest was constricting and expanding at the same time.

Above me, Maggie whisper-yelled again, “Stop swooning and come inside. I need deets, mama. I’ve been waiting to hear about Sir Cody Cocktapus for hours!”