I started from the beginning. I told them all about how Maddie was the model in my drawing class, and how I was crazy about her from the first moment I laid eyes on her. I told them how funny and smart she was and how stupid I was that first day in the salon. I kept the dirty details to myself, but I told them my drawings of her were the most beautiful I’d ever done. Then, I told them what she had told me, that she was infertile, and how my reaction scared her and she ran away. I also showed them the text.

Everyone was real quiet when I finished talking, and then Bill said, “Do you love her?”

I nodded. “Absolutely.”

“Infertility, that’s some heavy shit,” Cody said, an undercurrent of uncertainty lingering in his voice.

My father said, “Language,” under his breath. No one really listened.

“It is,” I said, replying to Cody. “And it isn’t. Lots of people get married and face infertility after the fact.”

“You getting married?” Bill smiled.

I shrugged. Sarah bit back a giant grin.

I continued, “I have the opportunity to know that this is an issue right now, and to decide that I choose Maddie anyway. I should rephrase that, I want her to choose me. This doesn’t make Maddie less. I want Maddie more than I want babies. I’m sure of that.”

“And you're sure you won't feel differently a few years from now?” Sarah asked, echoing the sentiments that I was sure Maddie felt.

“I’m sure. If we decided together that we want children, well then, we will find a way. But I don’t need children. I need Maddie.”

My father asked, “So, she’s the one then?”

I nodded again, “No doubt.”

“Well, hot shit and holy fuck, we got ourselves a love story,” my father beamed. We all laughed.

“See,” Bill said, pointing to our dad, “I told you, romantic as they come.”

Sarah, whose eyes were rimmed with happy tears, bopped Bill on the arm and said, “Stop it. This is so cool. I’m so excited.” She clapped her fingers together.

I rolled my eyes at her, “She won’t even talk to me, Sarah.”

Wyatt grabbed the mashed potatoes and scooped way more than his fair share onto his plate before he said, “Don’t you worry about that. I have a plan.” Then, he winked at me like he was a freaking genie or something. “Got it covered, bro.” He took a big bite of potatoes and smiled around the table at each of us. We all stared at him waiting for him to explain. Instead, he shook his head and said to himself, “Blond sheep, clever. I have to remember that.”