Anger flashes through me, bringing a lash of magic which makes Violet flinch. “Quit being cryptic. What are you implying?”

Violet squares her shoulders, dropping the act. “Caspian said there’s a Raven Society spy here. Right at the same time Luciana shows up, throwing herself at your feet. Isn’t it obvious?”

“Are you calling me stupid?” I close the distance between us, another flare of magic wrapping around Violet and squeezing.

“N-no,” she stutters.

“Then trust that no one is fooling me. I have everything under complete control.”

I withdraw my magic and Violet draws in a shuddering breath. She flicks her gaze up to me but then drops it again.

My voice is laced with black thunder. “What else do you know?”

“It—it’s possible that Caspian also figured out that Luciana is working for the Raven Society.” A tremor moves through Violet’s body, which is rigid from fear.

She’s right to be afraid. She should be terrified. “Listen very carefully, Violet,” I say. “If harm has come to Luciana because you kept this from me, you will regret this day every day for the rest of your life.”

I place my fingers under her chin and force her gaze to mine. “Where did he take her?”