Chapter Twenty-One


Violet glares at me, arms crossed over her chest. “Did you hear me?” she snaps.

“I heard you.” I glare back at her, adding a flare of magic. “There’s nothing wrong with me. But thanks for caring.”

“Oh, so you just cry in the hallway by yourself on the regular?” She sneers at me, somehow still managing to look pretty while she does it.

I take a step toward her. “I suggest you worry about yourself instead of snooping in my business.”

“What, are you going to threaten me again?”

“Do I need to?” I bat my lashes and smile.

She blinks but manages to keep her snarl in place. “No cunt is so sweet that Sebastian isn’t going to grow tired of you. And when he does, and comes to his senses, he’s going to see right through your little charade.”

With that, she turns and stalks off.

Once she’s out of earshot, I let out a groan. Violet is really starting to become a problem. I suppose if I was a really hardcore spy, I’d kill her. But I’m not ready to add murder to my resume.

Before, she’d mentioned that Caspian’s staff have big mouths. But she can’t mean that they think I’m the Raven Society implant, just that someone here is. Because no doubt Caspian would have told Sebastian, and Sebastian wouldn’t be quite so friendly with me. Violet’s right, though. It’s only a matter of time before one of the brothers figures it out. Figures me out.

I need to speed up the plan.

I’ve already got all the Guild members’ first names in that email, and I’d gleaned enough info from the cocktail party last night to identify most of them. Aza I know plenty about—just about all of her businesses and dealings. Drazos and Caspian a fair bit, too. I’d wanted to get more details about the others, a more thorough list of businesses so we know who we need to take down. Should I call in the raid now, before I’m discovered?

But then I remember the new labs—we have to find those. I can’t stand by while others are undergoing the same torment that I experienced.


I’m walking a razor’s edge and I know it. This whole situation is a ticking time bomb, and I sure as hell can’t count on Sebastian showing me any mercy just because we’re sleeping together. I don’t mean anything to him, and he doesn’t mean anything to me. Right? A fake boss at a fake job I got under pretense. Just a coincidence he’s amazing in bed.

Maybe Sebastian isn’t as terrible as some of these other demons. Maybe he didn’t know about the secret lab and the blood bank. But he’s still a bad guy. Trusting him would be a really fucking stupid idea.

Aza’s groupies said Drazos was also in on the blood bank business, which means he’s my next target. I need to talk to the demons in his entourage and see if I can get the location of the other labs. If so, I can call in the cavalry, knowing I’ve got enough information to put an end to the Night Guild once and for all. We’ll lock up every last one of these demons, just like we did with Darkness.

I ignore the tight knot that forms in my stomach as I imagine Sebastian being dragged away. Pull your shit together, Luciana. Anything it takes, remember?

Sucking in a deep breath, I step back around the corner to head toward Drazos’ suite.

And run headlong into someone.

“There you are,” Sebastian growls. The look on his face is downright predatory.

Does he know? Am I too late?

He grabs me and drags me through a door to our right. Adrenaline spikes through my veins, biting like lightning. He fumbles for the light switch, and I have just a moment to see that we’re in a small wine storage room lined with shelves of bottles and glasses. Then he slams me against the nearest row of shelving. My heart races as he leans into me from behind.

His voice is low and dark. “What have you done?”

I can’t breathe for a moment in my panic. Then Sebastian runs his hands up the outside of my skirt, yanking it up.

“I can’t focus on anything for thinking about you,” he breathes in my ear.

His lips find one of my earlobes and I hear a snick as he whips open his belt. A moment later, his dick presses against my ass.

“What did you do to drive me this crazy?”