“Well, you know what I heard?” I say, swiveling my gaze around the room. I wait until someone asks, a knowing smile on my face. “I heard that some of the Guild members were abducting supernaturals and turning them into demons so they could create a hybrid blood bank. Whoever was part of that surely has the balls to take the throne now that Darkness is out of the way.”

The reactions in the room are mixed. I hear gasps of surprise, but I also see some nods.

“Aza was in on that,” Jyna says smugly. “But so was Drazos.”

“Drazos,” I echo. “Not Caspian, though?”

“Caspian’s not exactly known for subtly,” Macy giggles.

“Yeah, they can’t have a loose cannon like Caspian blabbing about their secret labs.” Jyna shrugs. “That project was kept quiet even by Guild standards.”

I feel a pit of dread form in my stomach, acid gnawing at my insides. “Labs? There’s more than one?”

“Of course,” the lavender demon says. “After the one in Costa Rica collapsed, they opened new ones, naturally.”

“How’d you even hear about that, Luciana?” Macy asks. “Since it’s so secret and all.”

I wave a hand casually. “I don’t remember. Must have been one of Drazos’ staff.” I get up, staggering slightly for effect. “We’re out of champagne—should I go for a refill?”

A chorus of cheers greets me.

“Be right back.” I grin and zig-zag to the door before slipping outside.

As soon as I close the door behind me, I stride down the hall and around the corner where I’m out of sight. Then I collapse against the wall, drawing in a shuddering breath. Tears sting at the corners of my eyes and my heart races in my chest.

Ever since I’d woken from my coma and found out that Tamsin and Ven saved me from that underground lab in Costa Rica, I’d felt so much guilt for the dozens of other supernaturals they couldn’t save. They’d been able to save only three others—apparently the only ones who weren’t permanently braindead. I know, logically, that the others couldn’t be saved—they were already vegetables, as good as dead. But it still haunted me, knowing I’d made it when so many others hadn’t.

And to find out there are more labs? That other supernaturals are being snatched from their lives and turned into monsters just like I was?

It’s too much to process.

But there is one silver lining to what I’d found out—Caspian wasn’t involved. Which means, almost certainly, that Sebastian wasn’t involved. His reaction of horror when I’d told him hadn’t been a con.

I take in another trembling breath and swipe away the tears on my cheeks. I’ve got to pull myself together.

At that moment, Violet steps around the corner.

“What’s the matter with you?” she hisses.