Get ready to eat your heart out, Sebastian.

I pull out my phone and send for a car on one my apps. Half an hour later I’m rolling down the driveway of a luxurious estate. It’s green, even in January, the hills rolling like voluptuous curves, the vineyards criss-crossing them, row after row of neatly kept grape vines on trellises. And in the distance, at the end of the driveway, rises an enormous stone building. It looks like a castle, which makes me feel a pang of homesickness.

The car pulls in front of the stone structure. A huge fountain stands in the center of a circular driveway surrounded by immaculately manicured gardens. The stone statue in the fountain depicts Bacchus and several sprites intertwined in rather intimate positions. I roll my eyes. Demons and their obsession with orgies.

After tipping the driver on my phone, I turn to face the looming stone building, taking a deep breath. This is it. I’m actually doing this. There’s no turning back now.

A glance at my phone tells me I’m twenty minutes early for my interview, which is perfect. I stride across the stone-tiled patio toward the open double doors at the entrance to the building and smile brightly at the staff at the concierge desk. This place has it all: winery, spa, hotel, and a restaurant. I can hear the bustle of guests in the rooms beyond, and through a side door to a patio out back, I can see there are quite a few people enjoying the winery on this sunny winter’s day.

“Hi, I have an interview at 5PM with Marisol,” I tell one of the staff.

“She’ll be right with you. Take a seat over there.” They point to some very expensive looking velvet lounge chairs off to one side of the huge lobby.

I can smell the tang of something blossoming as I take my seat. The interior of the place is exquisite: gleaming wood paneling, huge flower arrangements, an ornate chandelier overhead. Paintings and sculptures dot the place, and when my eyes rove over them I see they’re just as racy as the fountain outside. This place vibes money, a heavy scent just like the floral sweetness in the air. Money and sex.


I stand and offer my hand as a woman approaches me. Another witch, by the magic pulsing off of her. “I’m Marisol. Sorry to keep you waiting.”

“No worries at all.” I beam another smile.

“I’m afraid, however, that we just filled the position. I’m sorry you’ve come out here for nothing.”