Epilogue: Astrid

I stare across the table at the Raven Society’s inner circle. It’s been a week since Erik completed the string of raids on the Night Guild facilities. We’re in the conference room of the Zurich house. This meeting is so important that everyone has come in person.

“Since Darkness is now out of the picture,” Erik says. “Our intel reveals that there’s a major struggle for power among her top officials within the Night Guild. Powerful demons who Darkness was working with in addition to her brother Light.”

I chime in, looking around at our friends. “We need to infiltrate this demon network so we can find out where the rest of their facilities are located, and what businesses they’re running. The Guild was just the umbrella for many other organizations, and we need to identify those so we can take them down.”

“So, we’re looking at a long-term mission,” Erik adds. “We need to spend time, undercover of course, and get as much information as we can before we strike the final blow.”

Ryder nods, and next to him, Ven speaks up. “Our friend Fitzgerald, who is also a demon, says there’s one demon in particular who seems next-in-line to Darkness. This guy has dozens of businesses around the world. Whereas Darkness seemed to work in the dark, no pun intended, her business partner has a lot of perfectly normal companies he’s using as fronts to cover up his nefarious work. Supernaturals and humans both frequent his establishments and have no idea anything is going on.”

Tamsin, who sits across the table from them, frowns. “Like, what kind of businesses?”

“Investment firms, manufacturing plants, restaurants and resorts, even. All kinds of things,” Erik says.

“What’s this demon’s name?” Rowan asks.

“Caspian Black,” I say.

Blake’s eyes widen. “I’ve done business with him, he helped me import some items from Brazil. I had no idea he was a crook.”

“He’s well known in the dragon shifter circles, too,” Xander says, and Erik nods his agreement.

“We caught wind of a meeting happening soon,” Erik says. “It’s to divvy up the power since Darkness is gone. It’s at a winery called Inferni Paradisi, owned by Caspian’s brother Sebastian.”

“Hell’s paradise? Subtle,” Ryder says with a snort.

“We need a fly on the wall while this all goes down,” I say. “It’ll be the perfect opportunity to find out who the other players are and create a list of targets to take down.”

“We’ll be able to find all the roots of the Night Guild and rip out every last one,” Erik adds.

“I’ll do it.”

All heads turn to the witch sitting at the end of the table, the only person who hasn’t yet spoken up during the meeting. Luciana.

“Hell no,” Tamsin growls. “I am not sending my little sister on an undercover mission in the midst of the Night Guild’s VIP list after what happened.”

“Tams has a point,” Ven says softly, reaching out and taking Luciana’s hand across the table. “You’ve already lost so much to the Guild. It’s way too risky.”

“That’s exactly why I want to do this,” Luciana says. She looks down at the table a moment, then raises her gaze and sweeps it across the group. Her eyes blaze with power. “The Night Guild turned me into a demon and put me in a coma, during which I spent what seemed an eternity in Hell. No one is more motivated to take them down than I am. I’m sorry, but not a single one of you went through what I did.”

Tamsin and Ven both flinch beneath her gaze, and no one else dares say a word.

“I am not the same person I used to be. They took that from me,” Luciana continues, her voice trembling. “I want to be the one who deals the final blow. The one who takes them down for good.”

I remember what Erik told me about how Luciana was captured by the Night Guild and kept in a secret underground lab in Costa Rica while they harvested her witch-demon hybrid blood. Ven and Ryder had rescued her, which was the Raven Society’s first official case. And doing that had blown the top off of Darkness’s whole operation, making it the main priority of the Raven Society. I also know her sister only cured her of her demon side a few weeks ago.

“The meeting at Inferni Paradisi is in two weeks,” I say. “Whoever goes will need to get hired on at least a few days beforehand so as not to appear too coincidental.” I meet Luciana’s gaze. “Are you sure you’re up for something like this so soon after your ordeal?”

Luciana nods. “I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life.”

Tamsin looks like she might have a heart attack, but Ven nods. Erik looks around the table. “Anyone else have an objection?”

Everyone shakes their head.

“Alright, then,” I say. “It’s decided.”