Chapter Seventeen


Astrid’s mother stares at her for a moment as if she might try to strangle her. But then she shrugs and chuckles.

“You have not been a member of this coven for over seven years. Even if you can best me in a test of magical abilities, you will not garner more than fifty percent of the vote of the coven members. Or did you forget about that part of the challenge?”

“I did not,” Astrid says, eyes blazing. “And though I wonder if you would get as much support for your antiquated views as you claim, I can’t take that risk. Which is why I’m not invoking the modern rules of challenge. I’m invoking the original rules, the ancient rules.” Astrid mimics her mother’s shrug. “You said you prefer tradition, so it seems only fitting.”

In my many centuries, I’ve of course heard of the coven challenges before, but I’ve never witnessed one. The Völva always conducted them in private, and not even the Viking warriors were allowed to witness them. It’s possible I will be the very first to do so. I wonder what the original rules are that Astrid refers to.

“Have it your way,” Mona says with a snarl. “Either way will end in your defeat, and your humiliation before the coven once again.”

“If that is the will of Freyja, so be it,” Astrid says, invoking the name of the Norse goddess.

“You’re already at a disadvantage.” Mona pins her gaze on Astrid. “You don’t have a moon maiden to accompany you through the challenge.”

Astrid looks out across the witches. “According to the ancient texts, the original word for moon maiden roughly translates to companion.” She turns and looks up at me. “Erik will be mine.”

“The companion must be a witch, Astrid, honestly,” her mother says with utmost derision.

“Actually, nowhere in the ancient texts does it say that,” Astrid responds.

“You can’t be serious,” Mona says.

“It’s true,” calls one of the other witches. “Astrid’s knowledge of the texts is correct.”

Well, that’s two people that seem to be on Astrid’s side.

“Now that we’ve established the rules, let’s journey to the caverns,” Astrid says. “Time is of the essence.”

She turns and walks back the way we came, but instead of heading up the stairs, she waves her hand toward the wall and a tunnel appears that was clearly hidden by magic. Magical torches begin to light up along the tunnel walls, and I can see that it goes straight as an arrow deep into the hills.

I jog to catch up with Astrid. There’s just enough room within the tunnel for us to walk shoulder-to-shoulder. A quick look behind shows that the rest of the coven is milling outside. Presumably for Astrid’s mother to choose her moon maiden.

“Give me a run-down of what’s about to go down,” I say as we walk.

Astrid keeps her gaze straight ahead, her expression stony but determined. “There are three tests in the challenge,” she says. “First, a test of Völva history and spells. Second, a magical challenge to test our power and prowess. And finally, we will stand before Freyja and she will choose the winner. That last part is what differs from the old and the new versions of the challenge.”

“What exactly does that mean, stand before the goddess? Like, an actual goddess?” I can feel my brow furrowing as I try to wrap my brain around that.

“I would assume so,” Astrid says. “But no one has invoked the ancient version of the challenge for hundreds of years, according to our coven records. So, I can’t speak from personal experience.”

I take a moment to absorb this. “And what do you need me to do? As your… moon companion or whatever.” Despite the gravity of what’s happening, I can’t help but smile. “Never say I’m not secure in my masculinity, taking the role of a maiden.”

Astrid’s lips flicker into a slight smile. “I don’t think you ever have to worry about that.” She glances over at me and a blush creeps across her cheeks. “It’s mostly symbolic. Just follow my lead and you’ll be fine.”

The tunnel finally ends, opening into a massive cavern. The magical torches continue around the perimeter of the space, set in metal sconces in the stone walls. Rock formations drop down from the ceiling above. I see more runes scrawled across the walls, glowing with magic. Over my shoulder I see that the coven is making their way toward us. Astrid continues until we reach the center of the huge natural room, then she turns to face me.

“Thank you for this,” she says, her brow furrowed. “I didn’t even ask if you were okay with it. Of course, I didn’t know until the moment I spoke that I was going to challenge her.”

“She’s a real piece of work, your mother. Pardon me for saying so.”

“It’s the truth,” Astrid says sadly. “I can’t believe it’s really come to this.”

“And you don’t have to thank me.” I reach out and take Astrid’s hand. Light sparks between us as our magic intertwines. “I told you, I’m here for as long as you need me.”

“What if I just want you?” Astrid says, her hazel eyes holding mine.