Ven turns to look at me, magic sparking in her eyes, the only point of light in the night that surrounds us. We raise our interlocked hands, calling on our magic simultaneously. The same magic that had been born of our union in the jungle. A pairing of power stronger and more unstoppable than anything that came before it. It blossoms around us, pulsing across the black, shoving away the shadows, knocking Darkness into the far wall.

“We have the only thing that can oppose the darkness,” Ven calls. “Love.”

There’s a universe-cracking shriek as Darkness dives for us, rage burning in her eyes. Our magic flashes once more.

And then she is gone. The room is empty but for us and the fluorescent lights overhead, one of which buzzes loudly.

We turn to look at each other, which is exactly when the building begins to shake. Shake violently like it’s sliding off the mountainside.

“Come on!” I yank Ven for the door and we run.

The ceiling collapses behind us as we hit the hallway. Ven turns and looks over her shoulder, eyes wide and stricken. Adrenaline pumps through my veins like fire. All around us, cracks are forming in the walls and the floor. The hallway is beginning to crumble beneath our feet as we move.

We turn left at the intersection and head for the cable cars. But as we approach, the floor collapses. The entire front of the building slides down the hill, taking the cables with it.

The river that rushes down the mountain is about twenty feet to our right. Too far to jump, but close enough to tease. “I really wish you had a broomstick right about now,” I say to Ven. Another tremor of the building, and we cling to each other as the floor pitches beneath us.

“We’ll just have to make do,” Ven says.

She pulls me forward and we leap into thin air.