“This is Ryder,” Ven says. “He’s helping me look for Luciana.”

“Hmm, yes,” Maranda says. Her expression changes to a frown. “I’ve been performing some locator spells as well, but I can’t get a lock on her for some reason.”

I sit down in a rough-hewn chair adorned with a brightly colored cushion. I move too fast, though, forgetting our magical barrier, and it zaps Ven from behind, causing her to lurch forward. She yelps and lands practically in my lap. After she extricates herself she glares at me, arms folded over her chest.

“Well, this is quite interesting.” Maranda eyes us both, and her gaze shifts, as if she’s looking beyond the physical. A moment later, this is confirmed when she says, “Ahh. Yes, I see it now. How on earth did you manage that?”

Ven sits down in the chair next to mine, shifting it closer so as not to risk another bump against the invisible orb. “That’s why we’re here,” she says to Maranda. “I have no idea how I did it. But I need it undone ASAP.”

“Her protection spell backfired,” I add, which earns me another glare.

“He distracted me,” Ven says, her tone petulant.

Maranda raises her eyebrows. “I’ll bet he did.”

Ven looks at the other witch imploringly. “Can you help?”

“Maybe,” Maranda responds with a shrug. “We’d better go outside. I can try a few things.”

We get up, more carefully this time, and head outside. Maranda instructs us to stand on the grass over near the waterfall and she goes through a variety of spells. Some are the same ones Ven tried the night before, and some are new. After a good while, she sighs and shakes her head.

“This is a tough one, kids. I’ll admit I’m stumped.”

Ven looks panicky, an emotion I’m pretty sure is mirrored on my own face. Last night our predicament seemed temporary and fixable. But now it really sinks in what this could mean. What if I’m stuck with this woman forever? That’s the exact opposite of my plan to part ways as soon as we find her friend. Ven gets under my skin way too much for anything good to come of this.

I look up at the older witch. “So, there’s nothing you can do?”

“We can’t be stuck like this permanently,” Ven says, sounding breathless. “Surely.”

Maranda shrugs again. “Magic is finicky business. It could have been worse. You’re both still alive and possessing all of your limbs.”

“This is really the worst timing,” Ven says. “We need to track Luciana. If there’s anything else you can think of…”

Maranda gazes off into space, contemplating something. “There may be one more thing…” The witch turns and looks back to the house. “I’ll be right back.”

Ven sighs as the woman strides off, her bright orange kaftan swirling out behind her. “This is the absolute worst.”

“I mean, it’s not the absolute worst. You heard what she said. We could be dead. Or missing limbs. Or worse still, my cock…” I shiver as the horrible thought enters my head.

“Really?” If I’d thought Ven could glare like the best of them before, what she turns on me now is a solar flare. “You’re thinking about your dick at a time like this?”

“I’m always thinking about my dick. Aren’t you?” I grin.

She crosses her arms over her chest. “No. I have not thought about your dick one single time.”

My grin widens. “You’re a liar.” I take a step closer to her. I can’t help myself. While the idea of being stuck in this orb with her—with anyone—is terrible, at the same time, her fiery defiance is irresistible to me. Maybe that’s all this is. Maybe my strange attraction to Ven is something basic and primal: I want what I can’t have.

Ven takes a step back toward the waterfall. Her eyes narrow. “I’m not lying. I assure you.”

“Well, my dick has thought about you. Since one of us is being honest.” Another step forward.

“I don’t really care what your—” she groans in frustration and shakes her head. “What you think of me. I’m sure you think the same way about everyone.”

She’s quite wrong about that. Ven is different, because she resists me when no one else does. But if I can have her, in the most animalistic of ways, then maybe my growing obsession will vanish. It seems like a sound plan. Since my first plan isn’t working out too well.

“Most people, sure,” I say.

My grin is back, and I know it rubs her the wrong way. I take another step closer, and I tell myself it’s because I’m trying to bother her. Not because I want to be closer. To taste her breath on the air or listen to her heart accelerate. Which it does. She backs up again, but she’s at the edge of the waterfall now, and there’s nowhere else to go unless she plans on getting very wet.