Chapter Six


I feel like I’ve entered my own personal hellscape. I came to Costa Rica to escape the memories of the demon who abducted me. And now I’ve stumbled across demon drug dealers who are selling people drugs that turn them into demons, too. Plus, the demon standing right next to me. As handsome and alluring as he may be, I can’t forget what he is.

The growls from the two newly born demons grow louder. Ryder gestures for me to back up, slowly and silently. We step back around the corner of the aisle just as the growls start to move toward us. Have the demons seen us? Ryder grabs my hand, and we spin for the exit. But as we approach it, it begins to open, and I feel a wave of dark magic enter the room. Like, some major bad shit. I yank Ryder behind the door, and we duck behind a tall stack of crates. They have a weird symbol on them, almost like a rune.

What in the hot hell is going on here?

From our hiding spot, I can’t see the being that’s entered the room. I can just feel it, black and electric, like a massive storm cloud rolling in. The timing of this can’t be a coincidence. Two humans take a drug that turns them into demons, and the next moment some dark force enters the room, right on their heels?

I hear the scuffling, scratching sound of the demons’ clawed feet as they walk toward whatever creature entered the room. Their growls intensify, and one of them lets out a screech like it’s spotted dinner. Ryder and I are pressed against each other, shoulder to shoulder. We listen as the demons move toward the source of dark magic, and then there’s a crackle of energy from the new arrival. The demons’ growls change to a crooning sound, then I hear a series of sharp barks and words spoken in a sharp, guttural language I can’t understand.

“They know we’re here,” Ryder whispers, his lips stretched into a grim line.

My heart goes still. Shit.

The clawed feet move across the concrete floor toward us. There doesn’t seem to be another exit from this room, and the thing with hella strong magic is blocking the main door. But if we just sit here, we’re going to be someone’s snack. It’s not exactly what I had planned when the evening started.

We have to get out of here.

I call to mind a spell of protection, one that encapsulates the caster and anyone they touch in a bubble of light and transports them away from danger. It’s very advanced, and I’ve never actually used it in real life. It’s one of many I’ve studied since my abduction six months ago as I added defensive magic to my grimoire. Well, no time like the present. Magic rushes through me, and I begin to recite the words I’d memorized.

Circle of light

Cast away night

Take me from sight

A glow encircles me and Ryder. I grab his hand in mine. My powers surge, and just as the last line of the spell falls from my lips, the demons step around the stack of crates we’re hiding behind. At that same instant, magic rockets off of Ryder, pulsating out in a wave of…


That’s the best word to describe it. Blissful sensations roll over me, wrap around me, tug me into a silky embrace.

My focus shatters, and I stumble over the last couple words of my spell. I’m not even sure what utterance comes out of my mouth, or if it’s simply a sigh of pleasure. The orb of light around me flares, and my magic transports us out of the storage room with a clap like thunder.

I don’t know where we are for several moments. Sand squishes beneath my toes, but I can’t see anything. I’m still reeling from Ryder’s near-orgasmic blast of magic, and to say that I’m seeing stars is an understatement. Color dances in front of my eyes, and I sink down to my knees. When waves tickle my legs, I realize we must be at the beach. Which beach is another question entirely.

“What… did… you… do?” I manage to mumble.

My vision is finally clearing, and I see a familiar stretch of beach not far from the yoga studio. The moon is setting overhead, and in the distance a bird shrieks in the trees, making my heart hammer violently in my chest.

“What did I do?” Ryder asks. “What did you do?”

“I transported us the hell out of there,” I snap. Anger clears the last of the fog from my head quite quickly. “What were you going to do—orgasm the demons away from us?”

Ryder’s eyebrows shoot up and he grins. “You actually climaxed from that?”

“No,” I growl. “No! But it seemed like that’s what you were going for. Is that like, your go-to move or something?”

He’s standing over me, which is fairly humiliating, so I climb to my feet, shoving away his offer of help.

“It is, in fact.” His smile is smug. “It distracted you, didn’t it?”

I cross my arms over my chest, mostly because the cool night air is hardening my nipples and I don’t want him to get the wrong idea. “Oh, and were you just going to invite the demons to an orgy or something? How is that helpful?”

“Trust me, that’s gotten me out of a lot of binds.” He chuckles as if he’s imagining those past incidents in his head.