“Vows aren’t made to be broken,” Xander growls. “That’s the whole point. You can’t just renegotiate them later when it suits you.”

I lift one hand in a helpless gesture of frustration. “But you’re persecuting a group that had nothing to do with the crimes committed.”

“You clearly don’t understand.” He shakes his head. “I come from another time, when honor meant something. Your word was all you had.”

I stand and glare down at him. “Oh, I don’t understand honor? Do you realize how condescending that is?”

Xander gets up, too, and he looks pissed. “And do you realize how frustrating it is for you to try to get me to break the most important oath I’ve ever made?”

I’m very aware of how naked we both are, standing here arguing in the woods. I cross my arms over my chest. “I’m not trying to make you do anything, Xander. I am done with men who don’t want me. Clearly you got what you wanted, and this was just a cheap fuck to you. If you don’t want anything further from me, then you’re free to go.”

I turn and storm off into the trees toward the manor. A moment later, I hear a growl of anger and heavy footsteps as he comes up behind me.

“You can’t go tromping in the woods by yourself,” he snaps, catching up to me and shooting me a scornful look. “That demon is still out there, and its master.”

“Why the hell do you care?” I continue walking, refusing to look over at him. I’m so mad I can’t even see straight.

He grabs my arm and pulls me against him, crushing our bodies together, and his lips meet mine, burning with need and desire. I can feel the pounding of his heart, the searing heat of his dragon wrapping around us. After a moment, he pulls back and rests his forehead against mine. “I do care,” he says softly. “It’s not that I don’t.”

I want to give in to him, but I won’t abandon my magic. Or myself. No matter how strongly I feel about Xander. I put my hands on his chest and shove him away from me. “You can’t have it both ways! I’m done dealing with your whiplash.”

His expression hardens, but he nods. “I’ll escort you back to Raven Manor, then go end this. After that, you’ll be safe, and we’ll go our separate ways.”

Has he learned nothing? I cross my arms over my chest and glare. “That sicko killed my aunt and nearly killed me. If you think I’m sitting this out, you are wildly mistaken.”

Xander looks like he might argue with me, but he just crosses his arms over his chest. “Fine. I still haven’t seen that police file you stole.”

I remember the strange symbol on Sybil’s body. “I need to get Ven to look at something. A mark on Sybil’s skin.”

“What kind of mark?”

“Let’s go back and I’ll show you.”

I look at him and he looks at me. We both have our arms crossed, eyes bright with anger, though it’s cooled somewhat.

“Only until this is over,” I say, softly but firmly. “And then you should go. Like you said. Deal?”

A sea of emotion swims in Xander’s eyes, and he looks as if he wants to say something, but then he just nods. “Deal.”