As the sun sets behind the trees, the celebration of life begins. The witches gather in the atrium, which is filled with black orchids and white candles that float in the air above everyone’s heads, dozens upon dozens of them. A large, framed photo of Sybil stands on an easel at one end of the atrium, next to a podium hung with black silk. Maria and I stand there with the rest of the Elders, including others from around the world. Altogether, there are about two dozen, the leadership of the Raven Society.

The rest of the witches crowd the space beyond. For the celebration of life, we wear cloaks of gold or yellow velvet. The one I picked is a deep gold, and I can’t help but think it’s the color of a dragon’s eyes. Maria and the other Elders lead us through a variety of spells and rituals to honor the life that was, and the life that continues in spirit. I drown out the words, focusing on the swell of magic around me. And Ven is right—I can feel Sybil here with us. With me. In the curl of smoke from the candles. In the sheen of black on the flower petals. In the rain hitting the glass roof above us.

Hours pass in the blink of an eye, and then it is time for my vows.

“While we mark the passing of one onto the next step of the journey of the soul, we welcome in a new soul, a witch who pledges to the Society,” Maria intones. “Step forward, Rowan Stonecroft.”

I move to stand directly before her.

“Repeat after us,” Maria directs. When I nod, she begins. “I vow to be true to the Raven Society. To uphold honor and goodness.”

“I vow to be true to the Raven Society,” I echo. “To uphold honor and goodness.”

“I vow to respect and protect my fellow witches,” says one of the other Elders.

I repeat those words as well.

“I vow to be a good steward of the planet we live on,” says another.

“I vow to be kind and compassionate to all creatures.”

“I vow to seek balance and equity in all things.”

“I vow to be true to myself, for without this, I cannot offer my whole self to others.”

I repeat all of the vows, and with each word that springs from my lips, I feel a weight lift from my shoulders. A heaviness I’d been carrying for so long without even realizing it. A burden created by being untrue to myself, by forgetting who I really was. As the last vow is spoken, a tear slips down my cheek, sadness and gratitude both. For all the years behind me, and all the years ahead.

And in that moment, the scent of magnolia fills the air around me, and I feel the brush of Sybil’s hand down my cheek.

“Welcome to the Raven Society, Rowan Stonecroft,” Maria says with a smile.

I smile back at her and take in a deep breath, my heart swelling with happiness. I’m a witch now, through and through.