I’m not even sure if I can pull off what I’m going to try. But I’m emboldened by the events of the day before—Sybil’s grimoire giving itself to me, showing me just the right spell I needed, and then the insane magic I’d worked in the garden.

So, grimoire shoved into my oversized purse, I drive back into town. I tell Ven I need tampons, and if all goes as planned, I won’t need much more time than it would take for a quick run to the store. She’d offered to come with me, but I’d waved her off. I don’t want her getting involved if this all goes to shit.

I park the rental car around the corner from the police station along a side street. Then, I casually walk toward the building. When I’m around the corner, I stop in the shadows of the building adjacent to it, leaning up against a tree. It’s not late, but in this small town, the place is mostly closed down at night. There’s a receptionist in the lobby, but through the windows encircling the building I can see that most of the office lights are out.

With trembling hands, I pull out the grimoire. I have one hand underneath it, and one hand on top. My eyes fall on the green stone on the front, and it feels warm beneath my fingers. I take a deep breath.

“Show me how to find something I desperately need. Show me how to get the files for Sybil’s murder investigation.”

For a moment, nothing happens. Then, a glow emits from the book. In the next instant, I feel a strange pop in my body, and a whoosh, like zipping up a super-fast elevator. My surroundings vanish—the tree, the building next to me—and I reappear somewhere completely dark.

Completely dark except for the glowing eyes staring directly into mine from a foot away.