“Are they helping solve Sybil’s murder?” I ask.

“They’re working on that, too,” she says. She reaches out and touches my hand. “I’m scared, too. But we’re not alone here.” She offers a weak smile.

“Well, I’m going to call Maria,” I say. “And the sheriff, too. I don’t have to mention magic. But I can mention that someone tried to break in.”

She shrugs. “They can certainly send out men to check it out. Doesn’t hurt, I guess.”

Within an hour, several deputies have taken my statement (my altered statement not involving the house being protected from demonic forces) and scoured the property for clues. The sheriff himself knocks on the door to give Ven and I a report on their findings.

“I’m afraid there wasn’t much to find, ladies,” he drawls. “We did find a freshly fallen tree not far off. You mentioned hearing a crash. The rest was probably just wild animals fighting.”

“And the other sound I heard? Someone trying to get in the front door?” That was what I’d told them I heard, as opposed to the house’s protective wards going off.

“That could have been animals, too. Bears can make a big racket when they’re trying to get into trash or smell food. Did you two leave anything out?”

I resist the urge to slap him. He’s basically blowing us off at best, blaming us for being slobs and attracting bears at worse.

Perhaps the look on my face makes him regret his choice of words. “Listen, ladies, I imagine you were frightened but there’s no evidence of foul play. I’ve got to get my men back to the crime scene we found this morning.”

“What crime scene?” Ven asks, crossing her arms over her chest. She looks like she’s feeling as sassy as I do.

He looks down. “Some fisherman called it in and already posted a video on the internet, so I suppose it’s not a secret.” He takes a deep breath and lets it out. “A burned body was found in the woods.”