As my eyes move around the circle, I realize with a start that it’s not just candles providing illumination. Some of the women have glowing balls of light sitting in the palms of their hands, or dancing from the tips of their fingers. And, I realize with a jolt like sticking my finger into an electric socket, that light is their magic. Their power.

I hadn’t really believed it. Not until now.

Magic exists in the world.

It feels like the night has opened up and swallowed me whole. My body feels light, effervescent. As if I am the moonlight itself. Energy runs through my veins, and a tingle moves across my skin. And then I remember.

I remember being a young girl talking to birds and rabbits. Making flowers blossom in the meadow near my house, or making spring vines sprout along the fence. Creating little whirlwinds to dance in, which made my hair fly all around. Hearing the stars sing to me at night. And hearing Aunt Sybil tell me each time we hugged goodbye, “Don’t forget, Rowan.”

But I had forgotten.

I’d forgotten so completely. Let life swirl in and make me into an adult who didn’t believe in anything but career growth and being a good wife. Running in the proper social circles. Knowing how to throw the best dinner party.

And I’d let it happen.

A susurration moves around the circle and I realize the women are chanting. Ven takes my left hand, and another woman takes my right. A zap of connection runs around the circle, buzzing through my palms. I listen to the words of the witches.

Night mother

Earth mother

Moon mother

We are one with you

One with each other

One with ourselves

I join in after a few rounds, once I’m sure of the words. Ven smiles over at me. Some of the women sway back and forth, calling into the sky. They are wild and free, bound by no one. I feel a surge of joy in my heart. A feeling like coming home after a long, long journey.

The rest of the gathering passes in a blur. Sage is burned in a large wooden bowl. Herbs are sprinkled around the meadow as an offering to the goddesses of earth and sky. The women whisper things into the sky that they are ready to release or invite into their lives. There is no blood sacrifice or satanic ritual or cursing of exes. None of the things so often depicted in movies or TV.

I realize that in the span of two hours, the trajectory of my life has changed completely. Now that I remember magic, there is no going back to how things were.

When the gathering concludes, Maria gestures for me and Ven to join her on the other side of the meadow. There are five other women standing with her, all age fifty and up. It seems this is the leadership council of the local branch of the Raven Society.

“I want everyone to meet Rowan,” Maria says, waving a hand toward me.

The other women offer greetings and their condolences for Sybil. It’s bittersweet. I’ve never felt so welcomed anywhere in all my life. Yet each offering of sympathy punctures my heart.

“I hate to mar a lovely evening with an unpleasant topic.” Maria looks around at each of us. “But we must discuss the latest development in Sybil’s death.”

“So, it’s true that she was murdered?” one of the women asks.

I flinch, and Ven laces her fingers through mine and squeezes to comfort me.

“The sheriff thinks it’s possible,” Maria says. “There was poison in her system, and we all know Sybil didn’t kill herself.”

A shiver runs over the women.

Maria takes a deep breath and lets it out. “Until we have more information, we all need to take utmost caution. In case this is a hate crime.”

“We’ll spread the word to the others,” another woman says.

Maria nods. “Be safe, everyone.”

After the others depart, Maria walks us down to Ven’s car. “Thanks for coming tonight, Rowan. What did you think?”

After a moment’s pause, I say, “I’m excited to learn more.” I can’t believe how quickly my perspective changed. The trees whisper in a soft breeze, and I can feel Sybil’s presence around me, approving of my decision.

Maria smiles. “So glad to hear it.”

We say our farewells and make the drive back to our house. I still feel a sense of elation from the gathering, but at the same thing, I keep hearing Maria’s words over and over in my head. Hate crime. After all these centuries, is there really someone deranged enough to execute witches? Of course, I know the answer is yes. We live in a world of hate, of people who see only differences instead of togetherness. But it still seems so absurd.

A strange sense of protectiveness moves through me. To have just remembered the magic I experienced as a child, only to have it all threatened by some lunatic? These are good women, lovers of nature. They aren’t hurting anyone. And I’ll fight to keep what’s mine. I’m not letting it slip away this time.

Which means that first thing in the morning, I have a date with the sheriff. And he’s going to give me some answers.