I cling to him, eyes closed, trying to show him who he really is by reminding him he’s not alone. Digging my fingers into his fur, I try to push positive emotions into him with my thoughts. The two of us in the library at Eric the witch’s house. The two of us in bed, exploring each other, loving each other. Memories of traveling with his brothers, and of the moment he leapt on Quinton’s gun to save my life.

I feed him everything I can, and after a moment, it feels real. Like actual energy is seeping from me and into him. I don’t know what the hell it is, or if I’m just imagining it, but I keep it up anyway. Everything good and beautiful that I have for him, I offer it freely through our connection.

Nobody moves. The air goes still, and Frost’s snarls slowly fade away. He breathes in my arms, soft inhalations and exhalations, then after what seems like an eternity, he shakes his head.

His body ripples and shifts. He shrinks, and his fur begins to retract, leaving me gripping his smooth, warm skin. I release him just enough to let my head rest on the ground and stare up at him as he completes his transformation.

Back to human.

Back to Frost.

He blinks his glowing blue eyes one last time, and then they’re just his eyes again. Piercing. Haunted. Questioning.

The tension between his brow smooths, his expression clears, and then he falls onto me.

His strong arms snake around me, and he buries his face in my hair, breathing deeply. His breath tickles my ear, and he nuzzles my cheek before he pulls back to kiss me.

He captures my lips and steals my breath away, devouring me with the same ferocity he just displayed while tearing through the shadows. I wrap my legs around his waist and sink my hands into his feather-soft hair, opening to his kiss, to the weight of his body on me.

It’s an intimate moment, and a part of me can sense Malix and Kian standing nearby, watching. But I’m not embarrassed by their attention. In fact, if anything, it feels right that they’re here with us to witness this moment. The bond isn’t gone. Maybe it’s not a true mate bond anymore, but something connects us to each other. It’s something all three of us share, something that involves us all.

Besides, I don’t think I could pry myself away from Frost in this moment even if I wanted to.

I have him back.

He’s safe.

He’s mine.

And I’ll do whatever it takes to keep him here.