These few tidbits about her life barely scratch the surface of who Amora is. I’m curious about her. I want to know everything there is to know; I’m greedy to know her life, to become a part of that life, and I’m done trying to stop myself from indulging in my need to be closer to her.

Frost and Kian can be pissed at me all they want, but I’m not stupid. I know they’re just as obsessed with her as I am. All three of us are drawn to her, and there’s really no way to deny it. She’s drawn to us, too. I’m sure of it.

Okay, I did it. I opened up, Amora drawls after a moment, glancing around at us. Now you.

I think about calling her out for the very sudden change in subject, but there’s still something in her eyes. Something hurt and vulnerable. So I just let her move on.

What about us?I ask, tossing back a strip of flesh.

Tell me a story about your lives.

Kian snorts. You don’t want to hear about our childhoods. Not if you want to be entertained. Anything we could tell you would just be fucked up.

Then tell me something recent, she shoots back, sounding irritated.

Kitty’s clearly still a little salty when it comes to Kian.

So I pick a story to make her laugh.

One time, we were scaling the side of a mountain, I start. Somewhere in Utah, I think. Looking for a weakness between the realms, as always.

Malix, Kian warns. You better—

Kian fell, I say gleefully. Slipped right down the mountainside. Ever since, he closes his eyes when he has to be up high because he’s a scared little pussy.

Amora laughs. Big bad Kian, afraid of heights?

You fucker, Kian gripes, using a back paw to kick dirt in my face. That’s not true. We climb all the damn time.

Frost crosses his paws on the ground in front of him as he replies, And every time, you close your eyes.

Kian huffs. For fuck’s sake. You too?

Frost just stares at him, his pale eyes glinting. Your inability to handle the truth isn’t our fault.

Kian’s jaw drops open, and he licks his bloody chops as he turns to me. What about that time in Tijuana? Do you remember that?

I give him the side eye. Oh no, we’re not mentioning that.

Inclining his head, Frost rubs a front paw over his muzzle. The crab?

It was a lobster, Kian corrects, a little too gleefully.

Don’t you dare,I warn.

Tit for tat, motherfucker. His gaze swings to Amora, and his tongue hangs out a little in something like a grin. A lobster latched onto Malix’s balls while we were in the ocean. He screamed like a five year old girl.

You would think he was being murdered, Frost adds sagely.

Amora bursts out laughing in mind speak and rolls over on the ground, her paws in the air. I’m glad she’s amused, but my balls feel a phantom pain at just the mention of that terrifying moment.

Get your nuts pinched by a lobster, then tell me I was wrong to freak out, I snap at my brothers.

Frost’s blue eyes gleam as he informs me, A lobster’s claw only exerts a maximum of one hundred pounds per square inch. Barely enough to break a finger.

Were you searching for the shadow realm then, too? Amora asks. I’m surprised to not hear any accusation in her tone this time—just genuine curiosity.

I tear off another strip of meat, licking away the blood that stains my muzzle. Yeah. We’re always looking.

Seems like you’ve seen a lot of cool places, though, she says thoughtfully. What was your favorite?

Hell, that’s easy, I say simply. Oscura, New Mexico.

Amora’s eyes drop to her nearly annihilated rabbit, and I swear I can hear her blushing. Because she gets what I’m saying—the fact that the best place I’ve ever been to, the place that I hold nearest and dearest, is the place where I saw her for the first time.

Don’t be stupid, she says, huffing a breath through her nose. What’s your real favorite?

Kian speaks up. I liked the Grand Canyon.

Even though you’re scared of heights? she teases.

I’m not scared of heights, he grumbles.

Oh, hey. I lift my head, my tongue lolling out in a grin. Remember when you picked the bar in New York City that one time?

I recall that, Frost says. He was propositioned by a woman three times his age.

Kian growls again. I had no way of knowing it was a popular hangout for mature women looking to fuck. I just wanted a damn beer. He jerks his nose toward Frost. At least I haven’t been arrested like this guy.

Amora, who’s been watching our banter with amusement, gasps. No! Frost? Arrested?